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Banda Arc Experiment-Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australian Continental Collision


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Eastern Indonesia is one of the least well-understood geological domains on Earth, yet the region is one of the few places which is currently undergoing arc-continent collision. The Banda arc seismic experiment was designed to unravel some of the complex dynamics of convergent tectonics. This passive source experiment is composed of 30 broadband instruments that extend across the Nusa Tenggara Timur region of Indonesia and across Timor-Leste. This along-strike deployment allows for seismic imaging and assessment of the spatiotemporal evolution of the collision of oceanic to continental lithosphere of the Indo-Australian plate with the active volcanic arc. The experiment has been continuously recording broadband seismic data since early 2014 and will continue through the end of 2016, and the data will be archived at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Data Management Center under network code YS and will be available at the end of 2018.
机译:印度尼西亚东部是地球上最不为人所知的地质领域之一,但该地区是目前遭受弧-陆碰撞的少数地区之一。 Banda弧形地震实验旨在揭示会聚构造的一些复杂动力学。这项被动源实验由30台宽带仪器组成,这些仪器遍布印度尼西亚的努沙登加拉帖木儿地区和东帝汶。这种沿走向的部署可进行地震成像,并评估印度洋-澳大利亚板块与活动火山弧的海洋-大陆岩石圈碰撞的时空演化。自2014年初以来,该实验一直在连续记录宽带地震数据,并将一直持续到2016年底,该数据将以网络代码YS存档在美国地震数据研究所联合研究机构数据中心,并将于2018年底提供。 。



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