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Packaging, palletizing solutions


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The process doesn't stop with harvesting and cleaning. Your seed is harvested and cleaned. But, the process isn't over. There's bagging and palletizing yet to be done, and various cost, speed and size considerations to take into account. Hearing seed producers' concerns, bagging and palletizing equipment manufacturers are taking steps to offer specific solutions and improve seed company efficiency and profitability. Seed & Crops talked with several company representatives to hear what steps they are taking as well as plans for new installations or remodeling. Costs continue to be a concern for all producers, says Steve Hartmann, Chantland-MHS, Humboldt, Iowa. One way seed conditioners are holding down production costs for themselves and their customers is by shifting toward bulk seed containers. "Flexible bulk bag or rigid 'pro box' container designs allow increased production rates, less handling of traditional 50-lb bags and easy transfer of large volumes of seed, all while minimizing potentialseed damage during storage and transport," says Hartmann.
机译:这个过程不会因收获和清洁而停止。您的种子已收割干净。但是,该过程尚未结束。有待完成装袋和码垛,还要考虑各种成本,速度和尺寸。听到种子生产者的担忧,装袋和码垛设备制造商正在采取措施提供特定的解决方案,并提高种子公司的效率和盈利能力。 Seed&Crops与几家公司代表进行了交谈,以了解他们正在采取什么步骤以及新装置或改型的计划。爱荷华州洪堡的Chantland-MHS的史蒂夫·哈特曼说,成本仍然是所有生产者关注的问题。种子改良剂为自己和客户降低生产成本的一种方法是转向散装种子容器。哈特曼说:“灵活的散装袋或坚固的'专业'盒式容器设计提高了生产率,减少了传统的50磅袋子的装卸,并易于转移大量种子,同时将种子在储存和运输过程中的潜在破坏降至最低。



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