首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research >Precommercial thinning of pedunculate oak: Recreational preferences of the population of Denmark for different thinning practices in young stands

Precommercial thinning of pedunculate oak: Recreational preferences of the population of Denmark for different thinning practices in young stands


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The objective of this study was to investigate how thinning practice influences the preferences of adult Danes for forest recreation in young stands of even-aged oak. The study was based on five pairs of colour photographs from each of five recently thinned plots in a 13-year old experiment. The plots included 7000 stems ha super(-1) (unthinned), 5300 ha super(-1) (traditional thinning), 1000 ha super(-1), 300 ha super(-1) and 100 ha super(-1). All cut trees were left on the ground. The study was carried out as a national survey based on postal questionnaires (n=243, response 73%). Interviewees ranked the photographs according to the criterion: "Which forest environment do you prefer as a visitor?" Visitor accessibility was interpreted as being more important than stand density per se. Thinning slash was pointed out as a major factor for the impression of accessibility. Low to mid-range densities (300-5300 ha super(-1)) were preferred over very dense (7000 ha super(-1)) or very open (100 ha super(-1)) stands.
机译:这项研究的目的是调查稀疏做法如何影响成年丹麦幼树对成年橡树幼林森林休闲的偏好。这项研究是基于一个13年的实验中,从五个最近稀疏的地块中的每一个中获得的五对彩色照片。地块包括7000茎ha super(-1)(未修剪),5300 ha super(-1)(传统间伐),1000 ha super(-1),300 ha super(-1)和100 ha super(-1) 。所有砍伐的树木都留在了地上。这项研究是根据邮政问卷进行的全国性调查(n = 243,答复率为73%)。受访者根据以下标准对照片进行排名:“您更喜欢哪个森林环境作为访客?”访问者可及性被解释为比展位密度本身更重要。指出减薄斜线是影响可访问性的主要因素。低密度到中密度(300-5300公顷super(-1))优于密度高(7000公顷super(-1))或非常开放(100公顷super(-1))的林地。



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