首页> 外文期刊>Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology. >Evaluation of esophageal motility by endosonography using a miniature ultrasonographic probe in patients with reflux esophagitis.

Evaluation of esophageal motility by endosonography using a miniature ultrasonographic probe in patients with reflux esophagitis.


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BACKGROUND: Although there are several established methods used to evaluate esophageal motility, none allows for direct observation of esophageal wall motion. Esophageal dysmotility is thought to contribute to reflux esophagitis (RE). The aim of this study was to evaluate esophageal wall motility by endosonography using a miniature ultrasonographic probe (MUP) in patients with RE. METHODS: The subjects consisted of 10 healthy controls (10 men with a mean age of 31.5 years) and 9 patients with RE (4 men and 5 women with a mean age of 51.5 years). High-frequency endoluminal sonography was performed using a 20-MHz transducer through a 16F gastric tube to evaluate esophageal wall motion. Four sonographic phases of an esophageal peristaltic sequence were identified. In the resting phase, the esophageal wall was in direct contact with the transducer. In the passive distention phase, the esophageal lumen was stretched maximally; in the contraction phase, it contracted; and in the relaxation phase, it returned to baseline. The baseline thickness of the muscle layers of the esophageal wall was measured at rest. The width decreased during the passive distention phase, increased and reached a maximum during the contraction phase, and returned to baseline during the relaxation phase. RESULTS: The contractility index of the circular smooth muscle (CSM) in the distal esophagus and of the longitudinal smooth muscle (LSM) in the proximal esophagus were significantly lower in patients with RE. The duration of contraction in the distal esophagus was significantly longer in RE. CONCLUSIONS: We used a MUP to demonstrate abnormalities in esophageal wall motility in patients with RE. We conclude that the MUP is a potentially useful technique for evaluating esophageal dysmotility.
机译:背景:虽然有几种已建立的评估食管运动性的方法,但没有一种方法可以直接观察食管壁运动。食管动力障碍被认为是导致反流性食管炎的原因。这项研究的目的是通过使用微型超声探头(MUP)进行超声检查来评估RE患者的食管壁运动性。方法:受试者包括10名健康对照者(10名男性,平均年龄为31.5岁)和9名RE患者(4名男性和5名女性,平均年龄为51.5岁)。使用20 MHz传感器通过16F胃管进行高频腔内超声检查,以评估食管壁运动。确定了食管蠕动序列的四个超声检查阶段。在静止阶段,食管壁与换能器直接接触。在被动扩张阶段,食管腔被最大程度地拉伸。在收缩阶段,它收缩了;在松弛阶段,它返回到基线。静止时测量食管壁肌肉层的基线厚度。宽度在被动扩张阶段减少,在收缩阶段增加并达到最大值,在放松阶段回到基线。结果:RE患者食管远端的圆形平滑肌(CSM)和食管近端的纵向平滑肌(LSM)的收缩指数显着降低。 RE中食管远端的收缩持续时间明显更长。结论:我们使用MUP来证实RE患者食管壁运动异常。我们得出结论,MUP是评估食管动力障碍的潜在有用技术。



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