首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Microbiology >Titration of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein to excess datA sites causes destabilization of replication forks, delayed replication initiation and delayed cell division

Titration of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein to excess datA sites causes destabilization of replication forks, delayed replication initiation and delayed cell division


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In Escherichia coli, the level of the initiator protein DnaA is limiting for initiation of replication at oriC. A high-affinity binding site for DnaA, datA, plays an important role. Here, the effect of extra datA sites was studied. A moderate increase in datA dosage ( approximate to fourfold) delayed initiation of replication and cell division, but increased the rate of replication fork movement about twofold. At a further increase in the datA gene dosage, the SOS response was induced, and incomplete rounds of chromosome replication were detected. Overexpression of DnaA protein suppressed the SOS response and restored normal replication timing and rate of fork movement. In the presence of extra datA sites, cells showed a dependency on PriA and RecA proteins, indicating instability of the replication fork. The results suggest that wild- type replication fork progression normally includes controlled pausing, and that this is a prerequisite for normal replication fork function. [References: 68]
机译:在大肠杆菌中,起始蛋白DnaA的水平限制了oriC复制的开始。 DnaA(datA)的高亲和力结合位点起着重要作用。在这里,研究了额外的datA位点的影响。 datA剂量的适度增加(大约四倍)延迟了复制和细胞分裂的启动,但复制叉运动的速度增加了大约两倍。随着datA基因剂量的进一步增加,诱导了SOS反应,并且检测到不完整的染色体复制轮。 DnaA蛋白的过表达抑制了SOS反应,并恢复了正常的复制时机和前叉移动速度。在存在额外的datA位点时,细胞显示出对PriA和RecA蛋白的依赖性,表明复制叉的不稳定性。结果表明,野生型复制叉的进展通常包括受控的暂停,这是正常复制叉功能的先决条件。 [参考:68]



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