首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Microbiology >Disruptions of the Ustilago maydis REC2 gene identify a protein domain important in directing recombinational repair of DNA.

Disruptions of the Ustilago maydis REC2 gene identify a protein domain important in directing recombinational repair of DNA.

机译:Ustilago maydis REC2基因的破坏确定了一个蛋白质结构域,在指导DNA重组修复中很重要。

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The REC2 gene of Ustilago maydis encodes a homologue of the Escherichia coli RecA protein and was first identified in a screen for UV-sensitive mutants. The original isolate, rec2-1, was found to be deficient in repair of DNA damage, genetic recombination and meiosis. We report here that the rec2-197 allele, which was constructed by gene disruption, retains some biological activity and is partially dominant with respect to REC2. The basis for the residual activity is probably as a result of expression of a diffusible product from the rec2-197 allele that augments or interferes with REC2 functions. This product appears to be a polypeptide expressed from a remnant of the 5' end of the open reading frame that was not removed in creating the gene disruption. The mutator activity and disturbed meiosis of rec2-197 suggest that the Rec2 protein functions in a process that avoids spontaneous mutation and insures faithful meiotic chromosome segregation. A prediction based on the phenotype of rec2-197 is that Rec2 protein interacts with one or more other proteins in directing these functions. To identify interacting proteins we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen and found Rad51 as a candidate. Rec2-197 and Rad51 appear to interact to a similar degree.
机译:乌斯梯亚ago的REC2基因编码大肠杆菌RecA蛋白的同源物,并且首先在对紫外线敏感的突变体的筛选中被鉴定。发现原始分离株rec2-1在修复DNA损伤,基因重组和减数分裂方面存在缺陷。我们在这里报告说,rec2-197等位基因是通过基因破坏而构建的,保留了某些生物学活性,并且相对于REC2具有部分优势。剩余活性的基础可能是来自rec2-197等位基因表达可扩散产物的结果,可扩散产物增强或干扰REC2功能。该产物似乎是从开放阅读框的5'末端的残余物中表达的多肽,该多肽在产生基因破坏中没有被除去。 rec2-197的突变体活性和减数分裂减慢表明Rec2蛋白在避免自发突变并确保忠实的减数分裂染色体分离的过程中发挥功能。基于rec2-197表型的预测是,Rec2蛋白在指导这些功能中与一种或多种其他蛋白相互作用。为了鉴定相互作用的蛋白质,我们进行了酵母双杂交筛选,并发现Rad51作为候选蛋白。 Rec2-197和Rad51似乎以相似的程度相互作用。



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