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Stress, corticoides et autoadministration de substances psychoactives Stress, corticoids and drug self-administration


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Introduction. - Corticoids have an action on the central nervous system via receivers with high and low affinity.Synthesis of the facts. - On animal models (rodent), the self-administration of psychoactives substances, like cocaine, the amphetamine, the opioides, morphine alcohol, increases in the situations of stress or after corticoid administration acute, then returns in a basal state, on man. The chronic administration of corticoids or the repeated stresses involve, via a high and persistent cortisolemy a reinforcement of this effect and its fast reinstalment after weaning.Conclusion. - These results obtained on animal models are alarming if it were to be checked, even partially, at the man. The prevalence of stressing situations and long term treatments by corticoids in the practice of sport on a high level would be likely to be worsening factors and largely ignored while taking psychoactive substances, whether for entertaining or doping reasons.
机译:介绍。 -皮质激素通过高和低亲和力的受体对中枢神经系统产生作用。 -在动物模型(啮齿动物)上,可卡因,苯丙胺,阿片类药物,吗啡醇等精神活性物质的自我服用会在压力情况下或在服用皮质类固醇后急性增加,然后以基础状态返回人体。长期给予皮质类固醇激素或反复施加压力会导致皮质类固醇含量高和持续性增强,并在断奶后迅速复效。 -如果要对人进行检查,甚至是部分检查,则在动物模型上获得的这些结果令人震惊。在高水平的体育锻炼中,紧张状况的普遍存在和长期使用皮质类固醇激素的治疗​​可能会成为恶化的因素,并且在服用精神活性物质时,无论出于娱乐还是兴奋剂的原因,都可能被忽略。



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