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A new case report of exercise intolerance with hypokalemia in a healthy carrier of cystic fibrosis


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Context. -We report the case of a 19-year-otd soccer player who almost stopped all sports due to cramps and muscle pain that had gradually worsened over 5 years. He was a heterozygous carrier of cystic fibrosis (mutation delta-F508), and his brother carried the homozygous form resulting in a severe symptomatic disease. Methods and results. - Neurological assesment, EMG and calf MRI, venous doppler of the lower limbs, provided no information. The exercise test shows a decrease in VO_(2max) (37.5 mL/minute per kg, i.e. 81% of the theoretical VO_(2max)) while the ventilatory threshold occurred at 43% of the theoretical VO_(2max). Biochemistry shows no clear abnormality, but there was a very strong response of lactate (up to 19.9mmol/L) followed by a rather slow lactate decrease (constant gamma_2 of Freund's model = 0.47 x 10~2/minute [N = 4 to 12]). There was no myoglobinuria. p-hydroxybutyrate/acetoacetate and lactate/pyruvate ratios were within the normal range. However, there was a hypokalemia at 3.3 mmol before exercise, and at high intensity EKG transiently showed a 170deg rightward switch of the QRS axis. Conclusion. -As far as no other clear explanation can be found for these myalgias, we propose for this exercise intolerance with hypokalemia a mechanism similar to that described by M. Rodier in carriers of the cystic fibrosis L206W mutation, in whom a sweat loss of chloride exacerbated by exercise or heat resulted in a secondary hyperaldosteronism with hypokalemia responsible in turn for cramps and myalgia.
机译:上下文。 -我们报告了一名19岁以上的足球运动员的案例,由于抽筋和肌肉疼痛在5年中逐渐恶化,他几乎停止了所有运动。他是囊性纤维化的杂合子携带者(突变体F508),他的兄弟携带的是纯合子形式,导致严重的症状性疾病。方法和结果。 -神经学评估,肌电图和小腿MRI,下肢静脉多普勒检查,未提供任何信息。运动测试显示VO_(2max)降低(每公斤37.5 mL /分钟,即理论VO_(2max)的81%),而通气阈值出现在理论VO_(2max)的43%处。生化反应没有明显的异常,但是乳酸有很强的反应(高达19.9mmol / L),随后乳酸的下降相当缓慢(弗氏模型的恒定gamma_2 = 0.47 x 10〜2 / min [N = 4至12 ])。没有肌红蛋白尿。对羟基丁酸酯/乙酰乙酸酯和乳酸酯/丙酮酸酯的比率在正常范围内。但是,运动前存在3.3 mmol的低钾血症,在高强度下,EKG短暂显示QRS轴向右旋转170度。结论。 -就这些肌痛而言,没有其他明确的解释,我们针对这种低钾血症的运动耐受性,提出了一种机制,类似于M. Rodier在囊性纤维化L206W突变携带者中描述的机制,其中氯化物的汗水流失加剧了运动或受热会导致继发性醛固酮增多症,并伴有低钾血症,从而引起抽筋和肌痛。



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