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Alternate routes: DARPA program could help military avoid communcation obstacles


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Beneath America's multibillion-dollar push to deliver wireless Internet protocol (IP) communications to the battlefield lurks a problem that is rarely voiced outside of the military's cadre of communications experts. IP communications are vulnerable to disruption on the battlefield because they are addressed to individual recipients and require unobstructed pathways between sender and recipient. Jamming, poor weather, power outages or obstructions can cut a vital IP link. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for a way around the problem, literally. DARPA experts are testing a NASA-pioneered messaging software called Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN), which would use a more flexible addressing format to automatically route messages around disruptions using mobile relay nodes -- potentially unmanned aircraft circling overhead.
机译:在美国数十亿美元的向战场提供无线互联网协议(IP)通信的推动下,这个问题潜伏在军方通信专家干部之外很少出现的问题。 IP通信在战场上很容易受到干扰,因为它们是针对单个接收者的,并且要求发送者和接收者之间的通信路径畅通无阻。干扰,恶劣的天气,停电或障碍物可能会切断重要的IP链接。从字面上看,美国国防高级研究计划局正在寻找解决这个问题的方法。 DARPA专家正在测试NASA领先的消息传递软件,称为容错网络(DTN),该软件将使用移动中继节点使用一种更灵活的寻址格式来自动围绕中断发送消息,这可能会导致无人驾驶飞机在头顶上空盘旋。



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