首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >Spontaneous Crenosoma vulpis infection in 10 dogs: laboratory, radiographic and endoscopic findings

Spontaneous Crenosoma vulpis infection in 10 dogs: laboratory, radiographic and endoscopic findings


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Crenosoma (C.) vulpis infection was diagnosed in 10 dogs aged between 0.5 and 12 years (median 4 years) during a 4-year period. The predominant clinical sign in all dogs was coughing which lasted from 1 day to >4 months. Hematological abnormalities included eosinophilia in 5/9 dogs, basophilia in 3/9 dogs, and mild monocytosis in 6/9 dogs. Thoracic radiographs (n = 9) were normal in 1 dog, showed a mild bronchial or interstitial pattern in 4 dogs, and moderate to marked changes (bronchial-interstitial to alveolar) in 4 dogs. Endoscopic findings (n = 9) varied from mild erythematous bronchitis (n = 3) to marked bronchitis with accumulation of large amounts of mucus (n = 2), irregular nodular mucosal surface (n = 2), accumulation of pus (n = 1), and bronchial hemorrhage (n = 1). Adult worms were observed in 2 dogs. Bronchial lavage cytology revealed inflammation with predominance of eosinophils in 7/10 dogs, eosinophils and neutrophils in 2/10 dogs, and neutrophils in 1/10 dogs. C. vulpis larvae were identified in the BA-L of 5/10 dogs. Fecal examinations with the Baermann technique was the most sensitive method and positive in all 10 dogs. C. vulpis infection has to be considered in the differential diagnosis in dogs of all ages presenting with acute or chronic cough.
机译:在10年中,在4年内诊断出10头年龄在0.5到12岁(中位数4岁)之间的外阴部肉芽肿(C.)。所有犬的主要临床症状是咳嗽,持续时间从1天到> 4个月不等。血液学异常包括5/9犬的嗜酸性粒细胞增多,3/9犬的嗜碱性粒细胞增多和6/9犬的轻度单核细胞增多。 1只犬的胸片(n = 9)正常,4只犬表现出轻度的支气管或间质模式,4只犬表现出中度至明显的变化(支气管间质至肺泡)。内镜检查结果(n = 9)从轻度的红斑性支气管炎(n = 3)到明显的支气管炎,其中有大量的粘液积聚(n = 2),不规则的结节性粘膜表面(n = 2),脓液积聚(n = 1) )和支气管出血(n = 1)。在两只狗中观察到成虫。支气管灌洗细胞学检查显示,炎症在7/10犬中以嗜酸性粒细胞为主,在2/10犬中以嗜酸性粒细胞和嗜中性粒细胞为主,在1/10犬中以嗜中性粒细胞为主。在5/10只狗的BA-L中鉴定出了C. vulpis幼虫。用Baermann技术进行粪便检查是最灵敏的方法,并且在所有10只狗中均为阳性。在所有年龄的急性或慢性咳嗽犬的鉴别诊断中都必须考虑外阴梭菌感染。



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