首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >Effect of intravenous calcium and oral sodium phosphate in cows with parturient paresis

Effect of intravenous calcium and oral sodium phosphate in cows with parturient paresis


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The goal of this study was to determine whether oral administration of sodium phosphate in conjunction with intravenous calcium is more efficaceous than intravenous calcium alone for the treatment of parturient paresis. Thirty cows with parturient paresis were examined and treated by the same veterinarian. The cows were divided randomly into two groups of 15 cows each. Cows in group A received 500 ml of a 40 per cent calcium borogluconate solution containing 15.65 g calcium gluconate and borogluconate, with a supplement of 6 per cent magnesium hypophosphite (9.85 g magnesium hypophosphite) intravenously over a period of approximately 15 min. Cows in group B received the same treatment as well as 350 g of monobasic sodium phosphate (70 g inorganic phosphate, NaH_2PO_4 2 H_2O, Streuli) dissolved in 0.5 litres of distilled water orally via a stomach tube. After treatment, the heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, superficial body temperature, rumen motility, appetite and defecation of thecows were monitored every hour for eight h.The cows' attempts to rise and their ability to stand were also noted. Initially, the results of clinical examination and serum electrolyte analyses did not differ between the two groups of cows. Within one hourof treatment, stupor was not observed in any of the cows. The general demeanour after treatment did not differ significantly between the two groups. In both groups, the average rectal temperature increased within two hours of the initiation of treatment, from 38.0 +- 0.95 deg C to 38.5 +- 0.40 deg C.There was no significant difference in the recovery rate between the groups. Of the 30 cows, 22 (73.3 per cent) stood within eight hours of treatment (10 cows from group A and 12 cows from group B). The type of treatment did not affect the time required to stand: cows in group A stood within 47.3 +- 44 minutes and cows in group B stood within 24.2 +- 32 minutes after the start of treatment. Our findings do not support the hypothesis that oral treatment with 350 g of sodium phosphate together with intravenous infusion of calcium in cows with parturient paresis results in an improved outcome, even though all the cows had hypophosphataemia as well as hypocalcaemia.
机译:这项研究的目的是确定口服磷酸钠与静脉内钙剂联合治疗是否比单独静脉内钙剂治疗产妇轻瘫更有效。对30头产后轻瘫的母牛进行了检查,并由同一位兽医治疗。将母牛随机分为两组,每组15头。 A组奶牛在约15分钟内静脉内接受500毫升含15.65克葡萄糖酸钙和硼葡萄糖酸钙的40%硼葡萄糖酸钙溶液,并补充6%的次磷酸镁(9.85 g次磷酸镁)。 B组奶牛接受同样的治疗,并经胃管口服将350 g磷酸二氢钠(70 g无机磷酸盐,NaH_2PO_4 2 H_2O,Strreuli)溶于0.5升蒸馏水中。治疗后,每隔8小时每小时监测一次母牛的心率,呼吸频率,直肠温度,体表温度,瘤胃运动性,食欲和排便情况,并记录母牛的企图和站立能力。最初,两组奶牛的临床检查和血清电解质分析结果没有差异。在治疗一小时内,在任何一头母牛中均未观察到木僵。两组之间治疗后的总体行为无明显差异。两组的平均直肠温度均在治疗开始后的两个小时内从38.0±0.95℃升高至38.5±0.40℃。两组之间的恢复率无显着差异。在30头母牛中,有22头(占73.3%)在治疗后的8小时内站立(A组为10头母牛,B组为12头母牛)。治疗类型不影响站立时间:开始治疗后,A组母牛站立时间为47.3±44分钟,B组母牛站立时间为24.2±32分钟。我们的发现不支持这样的假说,即即使所有奶牛都患有低血钙和低血钙症,但在产后轻瘫的奶牛中口服350 g磷酸钠和静脉内输注钙都会改善结局。



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