首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >Ferrets in veterinary practice [German]

Ferrets in veterinary practice [German]


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Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) show up with increasing frequence in veterinary practice. Originally domesticated for hunting of rodents and rabbits, they became very popular pets which require legal permission though and the further fulfillment of various husbandry needs. Ferrets have to be maintained on a high protein diet which in practice is often done with commercial feline products. Physical examination is similar to dogs and cats whereas the frequent occurrence of non-specific symptoms require further diagnostic investigation including blood sampling, radiology, ultrasound or exploratory laparatomy. The preferred anaesthetic method is the direct face mask induction and maintenance using isoflurane without pramedication. Special attention of veterinarians has to be paid to canine distemper vaccination, the specialized reproduction physiology of the females (jills) which can develop, if munated, a persistent oestrus with fatal consequences of hyperestrogenism, as well as the frequent occurrence of further endocrine disorders, congestive cardiomyopathy and. gastrointestinal diseases.
机译:雪貂(Mustela putorius furo)在兽医实践中的出现频率越来越高。它们最初是为了狩猎啮齿动物和兔子而被驯化的,但后来成为非常受欢迎的宠物,但需要获得法律许可以及进一步满足各种饲养需要。雪貂必须保持高蛋白饮食,而实际上通常是用商业猫科动物产品来做。体格检查类似于猫和狗,而非特异性症状的频繁发生需要进一步的诊断研究,包括血液采样,放射学,超声或探索性腹腔镜手术。首选的麻醉方法是使用异氟烷直接进行面罩诱导和维持,而无需镇痛。兽医应特别注意犬瘟热疫苗的接种,雌性动物的特殊生殖生理(吉尔斯),如果被免疫,会发展成持续发情,导致雌激素过多症的致命后果,并经常发生进一步的内分泌失调,和充血性心肌病。胃肠道疾病。



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