
Comparison of serum calcium change following thyroid and nonthyroid neck surgery.


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OBJECTIVE: Compare serum calcium changes following thyroid and nonthyroid/parathyroid neck surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Controlled historic cohort study of 190 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy (TT, n = 97), completion thyroidectomy (CT, n = 27), and lateral neck dissection (ND, n 66). RESULTS: Each group experienced significant corrected serum calcium drop pre-op to POD #1 (mean change (mg/dL) TT = 0.97, CT = 0.79, ND = 0.46; all P < 0.001) with significantly greater drop in TT and CT (P < 0.0001). TT and ND had significantly greater calcium drop from pre-op to PACU than CT (0.54, 0.43, 0.15; P = 0.04). TT and CT experienced significantly greater calcium drop from PACU to POD #1 than ND (0.45, 0.53, 0.05; P < 0.0001). No significant difference in hypocalcemia rate between TT and CT. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative calcium drop in nonthyroid neck surgery is likely hemodilutional, occurring intraoperatively, whereas in thyroid surgery it likely results from both hemodilution and parathyroid dysfunction with the latter manifesting after PACU. Postoperative calcium monitoring should be similar following total and completion thyroidectomy due to similar rates of hypocalcemia and mean calcium drops. EBM rating: B-3b.
机译:目的:比较甲状腺和非甲状腺/甲状旁腺颈部手术后的血清钙变化。研究设计:一项历史性对照队列研究,对190例行全甲状腺切除术(TT,n = 97),完全甲状腺切除术(CT,n = 27)和颈旁解剖(ND,n 66)的患者进行了研究。结果:每组在接受POD#1之前均经历了显着校正的血清钙下降(平均变化(mg / dL)TT = 0.97,CT = 0.79,ND = 0.46;所有P <0.001),而TT和CT下降明显更大(P <0.0001)。从术前到PACU,TT和ND的钙滴降显着大于CT(0.54,0.43,0.15; P = 0.04)。 TT和CT从PACU到POD#1的钙下降明显大于ND(0.45,0.53,0.05; P <0.0001)。 TT和CT之间的低钙血症发生率无显着差异。结论:在非甲状腺颈部手术中,围手术期钙下降很可能是血液稀释性的,是在术中发生的;而在甲状腺手术中,它可能是由于血液稀释和甲状旁腺功能低下引起的,后者在PACU后表现出来。由于低钙血症发生率和平均钙滴下降率相似,甲状腺全切和完全切除术后的钙监测应相似。 EBM等级:B-3b。



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