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Identifying causes, dynamics and consequences of work accidents in forest operations in an alpine context


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In a sustainable perspective, where wood harvesting and use perfectly respond to environmental needs, social sustainability and related health and safety of forest workers cannot be disregarded. The aim of this study was the analysis of the accidents records in public companies in the Province of Trento, in Northern Italy, regarding forest operations in the period 1995-2013. Several information were available thanks to the up-to-date accident books compiled by each company. With an average Frequency index in the examined period of 88 injuries per million hours worked, forest operations were confirmed as one of the most dangerous works along all productive sectors. Monday had a significant higher frequency of accidents comparing to the other weekdays. The age of the workers seemed influencing the recovery period after injuries, which exponentially increase at rising age. Felling and processing definitely resulted as the most dangerous activity in forest operations covering the 31% of total accidents happened. 'He puts a foot wrong...', 'He was hit by...' were the most common phrases used in describing the studied accidents; these were the action cause of the accident and contribute explaining why body extremities, first of all the hands, were the body parts most injured. Finally, a new concept in accident analysis was proposed introducing the analysis of 'recidivism', which analysed the eventual recurrence of accidents to the same worker in a given period. Results have underlined that some workers had more than one injury during the analysed period, up to seven accidents for one of them. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:从可持续的角度来看,木材的采伐和使用完全能够满足环境需求,因此,社会可持续性以及林业工人的相关健康与安全均不可忽视。本研究的目的是分析意大利北部特伦托省的上市公司在1995年至2013年期间的森林事故记录。由于每个公司都编写了最新的事故手册,因此可以获得一些信息。在所研究的时期内,平均频率指数为每百万工时88伤害,森林经营被确认为所有生产部门中最危险的工作之一。与其他工作日相比,星期一的事故发生率要高得多。工人的年龄似乎影响受伤后的恢复期,受伤后的恢复期成倍增加。砍伐和加工肯定是造成森林作业中最危险的活动,占事故总数的31%。 “他把脚踩错了……”,“他被……撞倒了”是描述所研究事故的最常用短语;这些是造成事故的原因,并有助于解释为什么肢体首先受伤是受伤的身体部位。最后,提出了事故分析的新概念,引入了对“累犯”的分析,该分析分析了给定时期内同一工人最终发生事故的可能性。结果表明,在分析期间,一些工人受伤不止一种,其中一名工人最多发生了七起事故。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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