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The soaring bird spring migration bottleneck at Ayn Sokhna, northern gulf of Suez, Egypt

机译:埃及苏伊士北部海湾Ayn Sokhna的飞鸟春季迁徙瓶颈

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Results of the first spring migration count of soaring birds at Ayn Sokhna, 60 km south of Suez on the west coast of the gulf of Suez, are presented. Significant numbers of raptors can be observed from this one observation site throughout the migration season regardless of each day's wind direction and speed. Observations were recorded 5 hours daily 1 March-2 May 2012. A total of 183 275 migratory soaring birds were identified and counted, of which 154 276 were raptors (18 985 eagles), and 28 999 were storks, pelicans and cranes.
机译:给出了苏伊士湾西海岸苏伊士以南60公里处的Ayn Sokhna鸟类的首次春季迁徙计数结果。整个迁徙季节,无论每天的风向和风速如何,都可以在这一观察点观察到大量的猛禽。 2012年3月1日至5月2日,每天5个小时记录观察结果。总共发现并计数了183 275只候鸟,其中猛禽154 276只(18 985头鹰),鹳,鹈鹕和白鹤28 999只。



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