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The effects of the enforcement legislation in the Finnish occupational safety and health inspectorate


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The goals of this quantitative and qualitative study were to explore the four following questions: (1) what kinds of views do OSH inspectors have on the application and function of the Enforcement Act, (2) how do the OSH inspectors define the effectiveness of OSH enforcement, (3) how effective are the enforcement practices, and (4) how can the effectiveness of OSH enforcement be improved. In Finland the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health oversees the activities of the OSH divisions, which operate in the Regional State Administrative Agencies. A total of 229 inspectors responded to the questionnaire; the response rate was 71%. With respect to the evaluations of the present situation of OSH enforcement, three factors were identified. Factor 1 was designated as "Need of Guidance and Instructions Given by the Ministry", Factor 2 as "Functions of Present Enforcement Practices", Factor 3 as "Contradictions in Quality and Quantity Criteria of Inspections". Five factors were found in the evaluation of the improvements of the effectiveness of OSH enforcement. Factor 1 was designated as "How Advice, Quality, Quantity and Skills identified in inspections could be made more effective", Factor 2 as "Improving Effectiveness by Inspections on Operations of Safety Management Systems based on Performance Agreement", Factor 3 as "Improving Effectiveness by Harmonizing of Activities of the OSH Inspectors and OSH Inspectorates", Factor 4 as "Effectiveness at a Distance carried out Inspections and Follow-up" and Factor 5 as "Effectiveness of Follow-up Enforcement".
机译:这项定量和定性研究的目的是探索以下四个问题:(1)OSH检查员对《执法法》的应用和功能有何看法,(2)OSH检查员如何定义OSH的有效性执法;(3)执法实践的有效性如何;(4)如何提高职业安全与卫生执法的有效性。在芬兰,社会事务和卫生部监督在地区国家行政机构中运作的职业安全与卫生部门的活动。共有229名检查员对问卷进行了答复;回应率为71%。关于对职业安全与卫生执法现状的评估,确定了三个因素。因子1被指定为“该部提供指导和指示的需要”,因子2被指定为“现行执法实践的功能”,因子3被指定为“检验质量和数量标准的矛盾”。在评估职业安全与卫生执法效果的评估中发现了五个因素。因素1被指定为“如何使检查中发现的建议,质量,数量和技能更有效”,因素2被指定为“通过基于绩效协议的安全管理体系运行检查来提高有效性”,因素3被指定为“提高有效性” “通过协调职业安全与卫生检查员和职业安全与卫生检查员的活动”,将要素4称为“远距离进行检查和跟进的有效性”,将要素5称为“跟进执法的有效性”。



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