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Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid


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The vulnerability of real-life networks subject to intentional attacks has been one of the outstanding challenges in the study of the network safety. Applying the real data of the US power grid, we compare the effects of two different attacks for the network robustness against cascading failures, i.e., removal by either the descending or ascending orders of the loads. Adopting the initial load of a node j to be L_j = [k_J(∑_(m∈Γ_j)k_m)]~α with k_j and Γ_j being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighboring nodes, respectively, where a is a tunable parameter and governs the strength of the initial load of a node, we investigate the response of the US power grid under two attacks during the cascading propagation. In the case of α < 0.7, our investigation by the numerical simulations leads to a counterintuitive finding on the US power grid that the attack on the nodes with the lowest loads is more harmful than the attack on the ones with the highest loads. In addition, the almost same effect of two attacks in the case of α = 0.7 may be useful in furthering studies on the control and defense of cascading failures in the US power grid.
机译:遭受故意攻击的现实网络的脆弱性一直是网络安全研究中的突出挑战之一。应用美国电网的真实数据,我们比较了两种不同攻击对网络健壮性的抵抗级联故障(即按负载降序或升序去除)的影响。采用节点j的初始负载为L_j = [k_J(∑_(m∈Γ_j)k_m)]〜α,其中k_j和Γ_j分别为节点j的度及其相邻节点的集合,其中a是一个可调参数,它控制节点的初始负载的强度,我们研究了在级联传播期间两次攻击下美国电网的响应。在α<0.7的情况下,我们通过数值模拟进行的研究得出了与美国电网相反的直觉发现,即对负载最低的节点的攻击比对负载最高的节点的攻击更具危害性。另外,在α= 0.7的情况下两次攻击的效果几乎相同,这可能有助于进一步研究美国电网级联故障的控制和防御。



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