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On the critique of Beck's view on risk and risk analysis


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Ulrich Beck's stand on risk and risk analysis has been challenged by many researchers. In this paper we look closer into some of the arguments used, with a main focus on the fundamental analysis carried out by Campbell and Currie. These two authors argue that Beck's criticisms of the theory and practice of risk analysis are groundless: Beck's understanding of what risk is, is badly flawed, and he misunderstands and distorts the use of probability in risk analysis. However, the analysis of Campbell and Currie is based on a set of premises, for example that risk is a function of probability and harm, and that risk really exists and one can be wrong about risk. Although such ideas are common, they can be challenged, and in the literature a number of alternative perspectives have been suggested. The purpose of the present paper is to study Beck's stand on risk analysis and the related critique of Campbell and Currie and others, in view of some of these alternative perspectives on risk. To what extent is the critique then justified? The paper concludes that the case raised against Beck's view is still strong and relevant, but has to be nuanced with respect to some important issues, for example concerning the distinction between belief and truth when it comes to risk. Allowing for spacious interpretations of some of Beck's theses, the paper provides strengthened support for Beck's view on these points.
机译:Ulrich Beck在风险和风险分析方面的立场受到了许多研究人员的挑战。在本文中,我们将更仔细地研究所使用的一些论点,主要关注坎贝尔和柯里的基本分析。两位作者认为,贝克对风险分析的理论和实践的批评是毫无根据的:贝克对风险是什么的理解存在严重缺陷,并且他误解并扭曲了风险分析中概率的使用。但是,对Campbell和Currie的分析基于一组前提,例如,风险是概率和伤害的函数,风险确实存在,而风险可能是错误的。尽管这样的想法很普遍,但是它们可能会受到挑战,并且在文献中已经提出了许多其他观点。本文的目的是研究贝克关于风险分析的立场,以及对坎贝尔和柯里等人的批评,并从风险的一些其他观点入手。批评在何种程度上是合理的?该论文的结论是,针对贝克的观点提出的案子仍然有力且相关,但必须在一些重要问题上加以细微差别,例如涉及风险时信仰与真理之间的区别。由于可以对贝克的某些观点进行宽泛的解释,因此本文为贝克在这些问题上的观点提供了有力的支持。



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