首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia research >An abnormal relation between basal prolactin levels and prolactin response to 12.5 microg TRH i.v. in drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia.

An abnormal relation between basal prolactin levels and prolactin response to 12.5 microg TRH i.v. in drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia.

机译:基础催乳素水平与催乳素对12.5 microg TRH i.v.的反应之间存在异常关系初发精神分裂症的初次使用毒品的患者

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At doses lower than those needed to stimulate prolactin release directly, TRH almost completely antagonizes the inhibitory effect of dopamine on prolactin release. We have previously reported that prolactin response to administration of 12.5 microg TRH i.v. correlates with prolactin response to 0.5 mg i.m. haloperidol and negatively with 24-h urinary excretion of HVA in normal subjects, suggesting that the response reflects dopamine activity. An association between central dopamine hyperactivity and SANS scores relating to poverty of content of speech and inattention has been suggested by studies utilizing methylphenidate administration in patients with first-episode schizophrenia. The hypothesis that small plasma prolactin responses to administration of 12.5 microg TRH i.v. (Delta prolactin) correlate with SANS scores for these symptoms was tested in 19 drug-naive patients with first-episode schizophrenia. Significant negative correlations were found between the response and scores relating to poverty of content of speech (r = - 0.55, p = 0.014) and inattention (r = - 0.52, p = 0.022), supporting the hypothesis of increased dopamine activity in association with disorganization symptoms. A significant positive correlation between basal prolactin levels and prolactin response to stimulation by 12.5 microg TRH was also found (r = + 0.61, p = 0.0058). Our previous study in normal subjects found a similar positive correlation between basal prolactin levels and prolactin response to stimulation by 200 microg TRH i.v., but not by 12.5 microg TRH i.v. As far as we know, this is the first study to report an abnormality in TRH-induced prolactin release in acute schizophrenia.
机译:在低于直接刺激催乳激素释放所需剂量的剂量下,TRH几乎完全拮抗多巴胺对催乳素释放的抑制作用。我们以前曾报道过催乳素对12.5微克TRH静脉注射的反应。与催乳素对0.5 mg i.m的反应有关氟哌啶醇和正常受试者HVA的24小时尿排泄呈阴性,表明该反应反映了多巴胺的活性。多发性精神分裂症患者利用哌醋甲酯给药的研究表明,中枢多巴胺过度活跃与SANS评分之间存在关联,后者与言语内容贫乏和注意力不集中有关。小血浆催乳素对12.5 microg TRH i.v.给药的反应。在19例首次发作的精神分裂症药物中未接受过药物治疗的患者中测试了与这些症状的SANS得分相关的(Delta催乳素)。在回应和得分之间存在显着的负相关性,这与言语内容的贫困(r =-0.55,p = 0.014)和注意力不集中(r =-0.52,p = 0.022)有关,支持了多巴胺活性与假说相关联的假说。混乱的症状。还发现基础催乳素水平与催乳素对12.5 microg TRH刺激的反应之间存在显着正相关(r = + 0.61,p = 0.0058)。我们之前在正常受试者中进行的研究发现,基础催乳素水平与催乳素对200 microg TRH i.v.刺激的反应相似,但与12.5 microg TRH i.v.刺激无关。据我们所知,这是第一个报告TRH诱导的急性精神分裂症催乳素释放异常的研究。



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