首页> 外文期刊>ORSA Journal on Computing >Linear Time Dynamic-Programming Algorithms for New Classes of Restricted TSPs: A Computational Study

Linear Time Dynamic-Programming Algorithms for New Classes of Restricted TSPs: A Computational Study


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Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem (TSP): given an initial ordering of the n cities and an integer k > 0, find a minimum-cost feasible tour, where a feasible tour is one in which city i precedes city j whenever j ≥ i + k in the initial ordering. Balas (1996) has proposed a dynamic-programming algorithm that solves this problem in time linear in n, though exponential in k. Some important real-world problems are amenable to this model or some of its close relatives. The algorithm of Balas (1996) constructs a layered network with a layer of nodes for each position in the tour, such that source-sink paths in this network are in one-to-one correspondence with tours that satisfy the postulated precedence constraints. In this paper we discuss an implementation of the dynamic-programming algorithm for the general case when the integer k is replaced with city-specific integers k(j), j = 1,…, n. We discuss applications to, and computational experience with, TSPs with time windows, a model frequently used in vehicle routing as well as in scheduling with setup, release and delivery times. We also introduce a new model, the TSP with target times, applicable to Just-in-Time scheduling problems. Finally for TSPs that have no precedence restrictions, we use the algorithm as a heuristic that finds in linear time a local optimum over an exponential-size neighborhood. For this case, we implement an iterated version of our procedure, based on contracting some arcs of the tour produced by a first application of the algorithm, then reapplying the algorithm to the shrunken graph with the same k.
机译:考虑以下受限(对称或非对称)旅行推销员问题(TSP):给定n个城市的初始排序,且k> 0的整数,找到一个最小成本的可行游览,其中可行游览是第i个城市在初始顺序中,只要j≥i + k,就在城市j之前。 Balas(1996)提出了一种动态编程算法,该算法在n呈线性时间,但在k呈指数形式的情况下解决了这个问题。该模型或其一些近亲可以解决一些重要的现实世界问题。 Balas(1996)的算法构造了一个分层的网络,在游览中的每个位置都有一层节点,这样该网络中的源汇路径就与满足假定的优先级约束的游览一一对应。在本文中,我们讨论了将整数k替换为城市特定的整数k(j),j = 1,…,n时的一般情况下动态编程算法的实现。我们将讨论带时间窗的TSP的应用和计算经验,该模型通常用于车辆路线规划以及带有设置,发布和交付时间的调度中。我们还介绍了一种新的模型,即具有目标时间的TSP,适用于即时调度问题。最后,对于没有优先级限制的TSP,我们使用该算法作为启发式算法,在线性时间内找到指数大小邻域上的局部最优值。对于这种情况,我们实现了过程的迭代版本,该过程的基础是缩小由算法的第一个应用程序产生的游览的某些弧度,然后将该算法重新应用于具有相同k的缩小图。



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