首页> 外文期刊>Ornis Fennica >Variations in wing morphology among subspecies might reflect different migration distances in Bluethroat

Variations in wing morphology among subspecies might reflect different migration distances in Bluethroat


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Long-distance migrants have a more pointed and concave wing than short-distance migrants. These pointed and concave wings are thought to minimize the energy-cost of flight. Detailed analyses of wing morphology among populations might therefore offer clues about the migratory behaviour of those populations whose wintering areas are not known. In this work we analysed variations of wing shape of three populations of Bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) from western Europe with different migration distances: L. s. namntunt (breeds mainly in W France, winters in W Portugal and Morocco, n = 31), L. s. cyanecula from central Europe (breeds in C Europe, winters in S Europe and N and C Africa, n = 182), L. s, cyanecula from Iberia (breeds in Iberia, but their wintering areas are still unknown, n = 39). To assess wing morphology we used C-2 and C-3 wingtip shape indices proposed by Lockwood et al. (1998), measuring wing pointedness and convexity, respectively. Males had more pointed and concave wings. As expected, namnetum was found to have a relatively more rounded wing than cyanecula, as well as a more convex wing, agreeing with the fact that namnetum moves shorter distances between its breeding and wintering areas. No significant differences were observed between cyanecula from C Europe and Iberia. Our results suggest that Bluethroats from Iberia are long-distance migrants.
机译:长途移民比短途移民拥有更尖,更凹的翅膀。这些尖而凹的机翼被认为可以最大程度地降低飞行的能量消耗。因此,对种群中翅膀形态的详细分析可能会提供有关越冬面积未知的那些种群的迁徙行为的线索。在这项工作中,我们分析了来自西欧的三种迁徙距离不同的蓝喉Blue(Luscinia svecica)的翼形变化。 L. s。namntunt(主要在法国W繁殖,在葡萄牙W和摩洛哥的冬季繁殖,n = 31)。 L. s,来自中欧的蓝花((C欧洲的品种,南欧和北非和北非的冬季,n = 182),伊比利亚(Iberia)的蓝ec(Iberia的品种,但其越冬地区尚不清楚,n = 39)。为了评估机翼的形态,我们使用了由Lockwood等人提出的C-2和C-3翼尖形状指数。 (1998年),分别测量机翼的尖度和凸度。雄鸟的翅膀更加尖锐和凹陷。如所预期的那样,发现楠木的翅膀比青蟹相对更圆,也有更凸的翅膀,这与楠木在繁殖和越冬区域之间移动的距离较短的事实是一致的。来自C Europe和伊比利亚的蓝藻之间没有观察到显着差异。我们的结果表明,来自伊比利亚的蓝喉是长途移民。



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