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Characteristics and medical-care-seeking of head and neck cancer patients: A population-based cross-sectional survey


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Objectives Well-known risk factors, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, easily denounce head and neck cancer patients as smokers, alcohol abusers, and persons who are socially excluded and have low socioeconomic status. To diagnose these patients as early as possible, we should not have a prejudiced assumption of their characteristics. Materials and methods We collected detailed data on patient characteristics and health behavior and explored whether these traits had any effect on seeking medical advice in a population-based cross-sectional study involving 85 patients with head and neck cancer diagnosed between January 2003 and December 2007, residing in two health care districts (population 1,600,000) in Finland. The data were gathered from patient charts and questionnaires. The questionnaire data were compared with the general population in Finland. Results We found these patients to be ordinary elderly people whose demographic and social features resembled those of the general population. They smoked more often, but otherwise had a rather healthy lifestyle. Only half were aware that smoking and alcohol consumption were risk factors of head and neck cancer. In a multivariate analysis, fear of physicians (adjusted odds ratio 11.0; 95% confidence interval 1.2-103), medical-care-seeking for symptoms other than pain (18.5; 2.2-156), and not suspecting cancer (11.2; 1.7-75.1) were independent risk factors for delayed consultation (combined appraisal and help-seeking interval over 3 months). Conclusion Head and neck cancer patients deviated from the same-aged general population only in excessive smoking. Fear of doctors, having no pain, and no suspicion of cancer resulted in delayed medical-care-seeking.
机译:目的众所周知的危险因素,例如吸烟和饮酒,容易谴责头颈癌患者为吸烟者,酗酒者和被社会排斥,社会经济地位低下的人。为了尽早诊断这些患者,我们不应该对他们的特征有偏见。材料和方法我们收集了有关患者特征和健康行为的详细数据,并在2003年1月至2007年12月间诊断的85例头颈癌患者的基于人群的横断面研究中,探讨了这些特征是否对寻求医疗意见有影响,居住在芬兰的两个医疗保健区(160万人口)中。数据来自患者图表和调查表。将问卷数据与芬兰的总人口进行了比较。结果我们发现这些患者是普通老年人,其人口和社会特征与普通人群相似。他们吸烟的频率更高,但除此之外,他们的生活方式也很健康。只有一半的人知道吸烟和饮酒是头颈癌的危险因素。在多变量分析中,担心医生(调整后的优势比为11.0; 95%的置信区间为1.2-103),寻求除疼痛以外的症状的就医服务(18.5; 2.2-156)以及不怀疑癌症(11.2; 1.7- 75.1)是延迟咨询的独立风险因素(评估和寻求帮助的间隔时间超过3个月)。结论头颈癌患者仅在过度吸烟中才偏离同龄普通人群。对医生的恐惧,无痛苦,无怀疑的癌症导致延迟就医。



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