首页> 外文期刊>Oral microbiology and immunology >Identification of novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus.

Identification of novel genes in the oral pathogen Campylobacter rectus.


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INTRODUCTION: A poorly described bacterium, Campylobacter rectus, has been implicated as an etiological agent of periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to use a comparative genomics approach to identify genes that contribute to the lifestyle of C. rectus as an oral pathogen. METHODS: Suppressive subtractive hybridization was used to identify genes encoded by C. rectus ATCC 33238, but not present in the genome of a related Campylobacter species, Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 11168. RESULTS: Suppressive subtractive hybridization identified 154 unique DNA sequences from the C. rectus genome. Ninety-two of the 154 clones were classified as C. rectus-specific, as they did not show significant sequence homology to genes identified in any strain of C. jejuni (blast E-value >1E-3). blast analysis predicted that the 92 C. rectus-specific gene fragments play a role in a variety of biological processes including signal transduction mechanisms (histidine kinase, response regulators, diguanylate cyclases, chemotaxis receptor) and potentially virulence (S-layer RTX and cysteine desulfhydrase). Further analysis of the C. rectus-specific clones showed that 10 genes had Campylobacter homologues that were only found in species that commonly reside within the oral cavity of humans and 10 other fragments shared homology only with non-campylobacter organisms. CONCLUSIONS: These data provide the first substantial insights into the genomic content of C. rectus, a significant oral pathogen. The genes identified in this study are a valuable resource for initiating new research on the virulence of C. rectus during periodontitis.
机译:引言:一种描述不清的细菌,即弯曲弯曲杆菌,被认为是牙周病的病原体。这项研究的目的是使用比较基因组学方法来鉴定有助于作为口腔病原体直肌梭状芽孢杆菌生活方式的基因。方法:采用抑制消减杂交技术鉴定直肌弯曲杆菌ATCC 33238编码的基因,但不存在于相关弯曲杆菌空肠弯曲杆菌ATCC 11168的基因组中。结果:抑制消减杂交鉴定了直肌弯曲杆菌154条独特的DNA序列。基因组。 154个克隆中有92个被分类为直肌梭状芽胞杆菌,因为它们与空肠梭菌中鉴定出的基因没有显着的序列同源性(blast E值> 1E-3)。 blast分析预测92个直肌梭菌特异性基因片段在多种生物学过程中起作用,包括信号转导机制(组氨酸激酶,应答调节剂,双鸟苷酸环化酶,趋化性受体)和潜在的毒力(S层RTX和半胱氨酸脱硫酶) )。对直肌弯曲杆菌特异性克隆的进一步分析表明,只有在人类口腔中通常存在的物种中发现了10个基因具有弯曲杆菌同源物,而其他10个片段仅与非弯曲杆菌生物体具有同源性。结论:这些数据为重要的口腔病原体直肌梭状芽孢杆菌的基因组含量提供了第一个实质性见解。在这项研究中鉴定的基因是开展关于牙周炎期间直肌梭菌毒性的新研究的宝贵资源。



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