首页> 外文期刊>Organic Geochemistry: A Publication of the International Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry >Characteristics and origin of natural gases in the Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin, NW China

Characteristics and origin of natural gases in the Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin, NW China


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Significant gas condensate as well as some black oils have been discovered in the Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin, NW China. Dry gases with high delta C-13 values occur in the Kelasu structural belt, wet, isotopically light gases in the Yiqikelik belt, whereas condensates are distributed mainly in the Front Uplift area. Kinetic modeling results show that the variation of methane and ethane isotopes with increasing vitrinite reflectance is independent of heating rates for a given source rock. Two maturity trends have been observed on a C-2/C-1-delta C-13(1) plot, one for thermogenic gases associated with coal, another for oil-associated gases with minor contribution from biogenic gas. It is most likely that the gases in the Kelasu belt and Front Uplift area were derived from the Jurassic coal measures and Triassic lacustrine shales, respectively, with those in the Yiqikelik belt being the mixtures of gases from the two sources. Both Jurassic coals and Triassic lacustrine shales appear to have contributed to the gases in the Kela 2 (KL2) and Dina 2 (DN2), the two largest gas fields in the Tarim Basin. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在中国西北塔里木盆地库车De陷中发现了大量的天然气凝析油和一些黑油。高克拉C-13值的干气在克拉苏构造带中发生,湿的同位素轻气体在伊奇克利克带中发生,而凝析油主要分布在前隆起区。动力学建模结果表明,对于给定的烃源岩,甲烷和乙烷同位素随镜质体反射率的变化而变化,与加热速率无关。在C-2 / C-1-delta C-13(1)图上观察到了两种成熟趋势,一种趋势是与煤相关的热源气体,另一种趋势是与石油相关的气体,其中生物源气体的贡献很小。克拉苏带和前隆起区的气体最有可能分别来自侏罗纪煤系和三叠纪湖相页岩,而伊奇克力克带中的气体是两种来源的气体的混合物。侏罗纪煤和三叠纪湖相页岩似乎都对塔里木盆地最大的两个气田Kela 2(KL2)和Dina 2(DN2)中的气体有贡献。 (c)2005 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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