首页> 外文期刊>Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontics >Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. Parting thoughts.

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. Parting thoughts.


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This editorial signals the end of my tenure as editor-in-chief of Triple O. Our Journal has a long and proud history of connecting scientists and clinicians to readers seeking quality, contemporary, and relevant knowledge related to oral-maxillofacial surgery, pathology, and radiology, oral medicine, and endodontics. I have tried to preserve Triple O's legacy, while seeking ways to improve our publication, and writing hopefully thought-provoking editorials. I inherited a talented group of section editors, surgery section editorial board members, and peer reviewers. Over the years I added board members and recruited more reviewers to both provide greater depth and breath of expertise, and try to respect their busy lives by not calling on them too often. We have had turnover of section editors, but in all cases the quality of section leadership has been preserved. Triple O is extremely fortunate to have a strongly supportive and progressive publisher, Jane Ryley. Also, our issue manager, Jill Shepherd, is beyond compare as evidenced by extremely higher caliber copy editing and page set-up of our published articles. The best thing I did for Triple O was recruiting our managing editor, Carmen Hupp. She guided us through the momentous transition from a hard copy to an electronic submission, peer review, and editorial review process. She made the changes seamless and invisible to readers, who had no clue such a complex overhaul in journal procedures was occurring.
机译:这篇社论标志着我担任Triple O主编的任期即将结束。我们的期刊拥有悠久而自豪的历史,致力于将科学家和临床医生联系到寻求与口腔颌面外科,病理学,放射学,口腔医学和牙髓。我试图保留Triple O的遗产,同时寻求方法来改善我们的出版物,并写出希望发人深省的社论。我继承了一支由才华横溢的部门编辑,外科部门编辑委员会成员和同行审阅者组成的小组。多年来,我增加了董事会成员并招募了更多的审稿人,以提供更多的专业知识和深度,并通过不经常拜访他们来尊重他们的忙碌生活。我们有部门编辑的人员流动,但是在所有情况下,部门领导的质量都得以保留。 Triple O非常幸运,拥有一个强有力的支持和进步的出版商Jane Ryley。同样,我们的问题经理Jill Shepherd也是无与伦比的,我们出版文章的口径极高的副本编辑和页面设置证明了这一点。我为Triple O做的最好的事情是招募了我们的执行编辑Carmen Hupp。她指导我们完成了从纸质版到电子版提交,同行评审和社论评审过程的重要过渡。她使更改变得无缝且对读者不可见,他们不知道期刊程序如此复杂的检修正在发生。



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