首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >Low-Temperature Dispersion of Piezobirefringence and Optical Diagnostics of Internal Mechanical Stresses in Cadmium Telluride

Low-Temperature Dispersion of Piezobirefringence and Optical Diagnostics of Internal Mechanical Stresses in Cadmium Telluride


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Dispersion dependences of the piezobirefringence (PBR) coefficient are obtained for the 100 and 111 crystallographic directions in CdTe single crystals at a temperature of practical application of photosensitive CdxHg1xTe / CdTe heterostructures (the boiling point of liquid nitrogen). At a low temperature, the PBR coefficient near the fundamental absorption edge has a significantly larger magnitude than at room temperature. From the data obtained, the possibility of a significant increase in the sensitivity of the polarization optical method for measuring internal mechanical stresses (IMS) in semiconductor crystals is substantiated. A sharp increase in IMS is found in CdTe single crystals as the temperature is lowered. The results obtained also show that the diagnostics of small-scale mechanical stresses in semiconductor crystals is possible in principle on the basis of measuring the degree of depolarization of linearly polarized radiation.
机译:在光敏CdxHg1xTe / CdTe异质结构的实际应用温度下(液氮的沸点),在CdTe单晶中获得了100和111晶向的压电双折射(PBR)系数的色散依赖性。在低温下,基本吸收边缘附近的PBR系数的幅度比室温下大得多。根据获得的数据,可以证明偏振光学方法用于测量半导体晶体内部机械应力(IMS)的灵敏度显着提高的可能性。随着温度降低,在CdTe单晶中IMS急剧增加。所获得的结果还表明,原则上基于测量线性偏振辐射的去偏振度,可以诊断半导体晶体中的小规模机械应力。



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