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Elementary Sequential Spectral Line and Statistical Properties of the Thermal Reservoir of Free Polyatomic Molecules


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The formation of vibronic spectra of free polyatomic molecules is studied by taking the concept of sequences as constituent elements of vibronic bands. Statistical properties of the thermal reservoir of oscillators, which randomly perturbs optically active transitions in a polyatomic molecule, are considered. The spectral shape, position, and width of the elementary sequential lines (ESL) are determined. It is shown that the ESLs have a Lorentzian shape if the perturbations are short-term and the pulse shape is symmetric about its origin. The position of the ESLs depends on the total vibrational energy of the thermal reservoir of oscillators in the initial electronic state of a molecule. The analysis of the statistical properties of the thermal reservoir of polyatomic molecules shows that one should distinguish between the ESL linewidth of individual molecules and the ESL linewidth averaged over the entire thermal ensemble. It is shown that individual molecules of the thermal ensemble that have different total vibrational energies are characterized by different widths of the ESLs. Consequently, the exchange and redistribution dynamics of the vibrational energy stored in the initial electronic state should manifest itself in the difference between the single-molecule ESL widths measured at different instants in time.
机译:通过将序列的概念作为振动带的组成元素,研究了自由多原子分子的振动波谱的形成。考虑了振荡器的储热器的统计特性,该特性随机扰动多原子分子中的光学活性跃迁。确定基本顺序线(ESL)的光谱形状,位置和宽度。结果表明,如果扰动是短期的并且脉冲形状关于其原点对称,则ESL具有洛伦兹形状。 ESL的位置取决于处于分子初始电子状态的振荡器的储热器的总振动能。对多原子分子储热库的统计特性的分析表明,应该区分单个分子的ESL线宽和整个热系集中的平均ESL线宽。结果表明,具有不同总振动能的热合体的各个分子的特征在于ESL的宽度不同。因此,以初始电子状态存储的振动能量的交换和重新分布动力学应以在不同时间点测得的单分子ESL宽度之间的差异体现出来。



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