首页> 外文期刊>Optical review >Simultaneous measurement of wind and aerosol backscattering in the troposphere by high spectral resolution lidar with iodine filter [Review]

Simultaneous measurement of wind and aerosol backscattering in the troposphere by high spectral resolution lidar with iodine filter [Review]


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We propose a high spectral resolution lidar system which is capable of measuring aerosol backscattering and line-of-sight wind velocity in the troposphere. An iodine vapor filter is used to separate the aerosol and Rayleigh scattering components as well as to discriminate the Doppler shift frequency. The performance of the lidar system is estimated with reasonable parameters. The error of horizontal wind velocity below an altitude of 6 km is less than 0.5 m/s, and accuracy of the aerosol backscattering coefficient is better than 40% below 10 km. This system is particularly suitable for the study of aerosol transportation in the troposphere. [References: 16]
机译:我们提出了一种高光谱分辨率的激光雷达系统,该系统能够测量对流层中的气溶胶反向散射和视线风速。碘蒸气过滤器用于分离气溶胶和瑞利散射成分,并区分多普勒频移频率。激光雷达系统的性能是通过合理的参数估算的。低于6 km的高度的水平风速误差小于0.5 m / s,且低于10 km的气溶胶反向散射系数的精度优于40%。该系统特别适合研究对流层中的气溶胶运输。 [参考:16]



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