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Estimating time to contact during pursuit eye movements: Comparison between geometric model prediction and human performance


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While an object is approaching a particular location, we can make an estimate of the time when the object will arrive at that location. A geometric model predicts that the estimate of time-to-contact (TTC) is greatly improved by using the rate of change of visual direction of the object when the object is moving with a slow velocity toward a point of nearest approach at a distance far from the observer. It has been shown that pursuit eye movements provide the rate of change of visual direction of an approaching object. We conducted psychophysical experiments, and compared TTC estimates during pursuit eye movements to those during fixation. We found that the differences in TTC estimates between fixation and pursuit show a qualitatively similar pattern to the geometric model prediction. However, the results also show that the magnitudes of the TTC estimation errors are greater than the theoretical values from the geometric model, indicating that the human visual system has a perceptual bias in estimating TTC. These results suggest that the human visual system estimates TTC during pursuit eye movements in a different way from the geometric model, although the effect of these eye movements on TTC estimates in human performance is qualitatively consistent with the model prediction. (c) 2008 The Optical Society of Japan.
机译:当物体接近特定位置时,我们可以估算物体到达该位置的时间。几何模型预测,当对象以缓慢的速度向距离最近的点移动时,通过使用对象视觉方向的变化率,可以大大提高接触时间(TTC)的估计。来自观察者。已经表明,追踪眼睛的运动提供了接近物体的视觉方向的变化率。我们进行了心理物理实验,并将追踪眼球运动期间的TTC估计值与注视过程中的TTC估计值进行了比较。我们发现,固定和追踪之间的TTC估算差异显示出与几何模型预测在质上相似的模式。然而,结果还表明,TTC估计误差的幅度大于几何模型的理论值,表明人类视觉系统在估计TTC时存在感知偏差。这些结果表明,人眼视觉系统在追踪眼球运动期间以与几何模型不同的方式估计TTC,尽管这些眼球运动对人类行为中TTC估计的影响在质量上与模型预测一致。 (c)2008年日本光学学会。



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