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Absorption Spectrum of the (CF_4) Dimer in Liquid Argon Solution


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The concentration dependence of the shape of absorption bands in the spectrum of CF_4 in liquid argon is studied in the concentration range (0.01-17) * 10~(-3) molar fractions at 93 K. In all spectral regions related to ν_3, the shape of the spectral function is determined, along with the Fermi resonance <ν_i, ν_3 + 1, ν_4| ≈ <ν_i, ν_3, ν_4 + 2|, by the resonance dipole-dipole interaction. In the spectral region of the Fermi doublet ν_1 + ν_3 ≈ ν_1 + 2ν_4, the spectrum of the contact (CF_4)_2 dimer is identified. Agreement between this spectrum and the calculated spectrum is achieved by simultaneously taking intramolecular and intermolecular resonances into account. The distance R_(C-C) in the dimer is 4.85 (15) A. The calculations of the spectra of (~(12)CF_4)_2 and (~(13)CF_4-~(12)CF_4) dimers with this value of R_(C-C) in the region ν_3 ≈ 2ν_4 agree with the experiment.
机译:在93 K的浓度范围(0.01-17)* 10〜(-3)摩尔分数下,研究了液态氩CF_4光谱中吸收带形状的浓度依赖性。在与ν_3相关的所有光谱区域中,确定频谱函数的形状,以及费米共振<ν_i,ν_3+ 1,ν_4| ≈<ν_i,ν_3,ν_4+ 2 |,通过共振偶极-偶极相互作用产生。在费米二重峰ν_1+ν_3≈ν_1+2ν_4的光谱区域中,确定了接触(CF_4)_2二聚体的光谱。通过同时考虑分子内和分子间共振来实现该光谱与计算光谱之间的一致性。二聚体中的距离R_(CC)为4.85(15)A。以该R_的值计算(〜(12)CF_4)_2和(〜(13)CF_4-〜(12)CF_4)二聚体的光谱ν_3≈2ν_4区域中的(CC)与实验一致。



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