首页> 外文期刊>Optics and Spectroscopy >EIT resonance features in strong magnetic fields in rubidium atomic columns with length varying by 4 orders

EIT resonance features in strong magnetic fields in rubidium atomic columns with length varying by 4 orders


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Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) resonances are investigated with the Rb-85 D (1) line (795 nm) in strong magnetic fields (up to 2 kG) with three different types of spectroscopic vapor cells: the nano-cell with a thickness along the direction of laser light L a parts per thousand 795 nm, the micro-cell with L = 30 mu m with the addition of a neon buffer gas, and the centimeter-long glass cell. These cells allowed us to observe systematic changes of the EIT spectra when the increasing magnetic field systematically decoupled the total atomic electron and nuclear angular moments (the Paschen-Back/Back-Goudsmit effects). The observations agree well with a theoretical model. The advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of cell are discussed along with the possible practical applications.
机译:使用Rb-85 D(1)线(795 nm)在强磁场(最大2 kG)中使用三种不同类型的光谱蒸气池研究电磁感应的透明(EIT)共振:厚度沿激光的方向L a为每千分之795 nm,L = 30μm的微电池(添加氖气缓冲气体)和厘米长的玻璃电池。当不断增加的磁场使总原子电子和核角矩解耦时,这些细胞使我们能够观察EIT光谱的系统变化(Paschen-Back / Back-Goudsmit效应)。这些观察与理论模型非常吻合。讨论了特定类型电池的优缺点以及可能的实际应用。



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