首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Hepatoma cells recognition based on matrix absolute gray relational degree of B-mode

Hepatoma cells recognition based on matrix absolute gray relational degree of B-mode


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This paper proposed a novel hepatoma cells recognition method, which used Matrix Absolute Gray Relational Degree of B-Mode (MAGRD-B) to construct feature description of liver cells for distinguishing the cancerous cells from the normal ones. MAGRD-B proposed by us can be considered as a measure of the similarity and the proximity between different cells. And MAGRD-B can work without extracting the exact contours of cells. k-Nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm was utilized for determining whether liver cells are healthy or not. Experimental results are obtained on the clinical liver pathological images from different patients, which indicated that MAGRD-B can be used as a commendable feature to recognize hepatoma cells with better recognition accuracy.
机译:本文提出了一种新的肝癌细胞识别方法,即利用B模式矩阵绝对灰色关联度(MAGRD-B)构建肝细胞的特征描述,以区分癌细胞与正常癌细胞。我们提出的MAGRD-B可以看作是不同单元之间相似性和邻近性的量度。 MAGRD-B无需提取细胞的精确轮廓即可工作。使用k-最近邻居(k-NN)算法确定肝细胞是否健康。在不同患者的临床肝脏病理图像上获得了实验结果,表明MAGRD-B可以作为值得赞赏的特征来以更好的识别准确性识别肝癌细胞。



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