首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes and hybrid (refractive-diffractive) lenses

Achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter using modified Savart polariscopes and hybrid (refractive-diffractive) lenses


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This paper presents the layout of achromatic snapshot imaging polarimeter (SIP) using modified Savart plates (MSPs) and working under nature light. The hybrid (refractive-diffractive) lenses are used to achieve the achromatic point-spread function (PSF), and the design probe the four Stokes vectors of the object by using polarization analyzing optics comprising two MSPs, a half wave plate, and an analyzer. In comparison with the monochromatic or quasi-monochromatic SIP using MSPs reported previously, the most remarkable property of the proposed layouts is to have the capability of directly detecting the object with natural illumination. Also, the configuration is more easily manipulated and robust than achromatic conventional Savart polariscopes reported previously in probing the object with axial movement. The feasibility is verified by numerical simulation for natural light.
机译:本文介绍了使用改进的Savart平板(MSP)并在自然光下工作的消色差快照成像旋光仪(SIP)的布局。混合(折射-衍射)透镜用于实现消色差点扩散功能(PSF),并且该设计通过使用包含两个MSP,一个半波片和一个分析仪的偏振分析光学器件来探测物体的四个斯托克斯矢量。 。与先前报道的使用MSP的单色或准单色SIP相比,建议布局的最显着特性是具有通过自然照明直接检测物体的能力。而且,与先前报道的用轴向运动探测物体的消色差常规Savart偏振镜相比,该配置更易于操纵和坚固耐用。通过对自然光的数值模拟验证了可行性。



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