首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Data transmission strategies for resource monitoring in cloud computing platforms

Data transmission strategies for resource monitoring in cloud computing platforms


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This paper proposes three data transmission strategies for resource monitoring in cloud computing platforms, which are dynamic periodic push strategy, window-based event driven push strategy, and window-based hybrid push strategy, respectively. The dynamic periodic push strategy periodically pushes resource status information at a dynamic time interval that is dynamically updated by considering the change degree of resource status information. The window-based event-driven push strategy pushes resource status information if the change degree of resource status information is larger than a threshold that is dynamically updated by using the exponentially weighted moving average. The window-based hybrid push strategy combines the dynamic periodic push strategy and the window-based event-driven push strategy and then further reduces the communication overhead and improves the data coherence. Experimental results show that the window based hybrid push strategy performs better than previous data transmission strategies in terms of the number of data transmissions and the data coherence. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了云计算平台中用于资源监控的三种数据传输策略,分别是动态周期性推送策略,基于窗口的事件驱动推送策略和基于窗口的混合推送策略。动态周期性推送策略以通过考虑资源状态信息的变化程度而动态更新的动态时间间隔周期性地推送资源状态信息。如果资源状态信息的变化程度大于使用指数加权移动平均值动态更新的阈值,则基于窗口的事件驱动推送策略将推送资源状态信息。基于窗口的混合推送策略将动态的周期性推送策略和基于窗口的事件驱动的推送策略相结合,从而进一步减少了通信开销,提高了数据的一致性。实验结果表明,基于窗口的混合推送策略在数据传输数量和数据一致性方面比以前的数据传输策略表现更好。 (C)2016 Elsevier GmbH。版权所有。



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