首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Ternary phase-amplitude modulation with twisted nematic liquid crystal displays for Fourier-plane light homogenization in holographic data storage

Ternary phase-amplitude modulation with twisted nematic liquid crystal displays for Fourier-plane light homogenization in holographic data storage


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Holographic data storage applications often use liquid crystal displays as spatial light-amplitude modulators for writing data images. The hologram created in the Fourier plane is usually applied to store the information, since this plane supplies optimal data density. A well known technique for homogenizing the light distribution in the Fourier plane is the application of external random phase modulating masks. The requirement for pixel by pixel matched positioning of the phase modulating mask and the pixels of the spatial light-amplitude modulator is hard to solve in the optical systems and any positioning error leads to significant signal degradations. The article analyses the possibilities of realizing the required simultaneous amplitude and phase modulation of light with the application of a single LCD. Twisted nematic LCDs with different maximal birefringence are numerically investigated using the Jones matrix method. Elliptical incident and exit polarizations are proposed, by which ternary phase-amplitude modulation (+1,-1,0) can be realized. Test measurements are also presented that demonstrate the validity of the calculated results. [References: 9]
机译:全息数据存储应用程序通常使用液晶显示器作为空间光振幅调制器,以写入数据图像。在傅立叶平面中创建的全息图通常用于存储信息,因为该平面提供了最佳的数据密度。使傅里叶平面中的光分布均匀的一种众所周知的技术是外部随机相位调制掩模的应用。在光学系统中很难解决对相位调制掩模和空间光幅度调制器的像素逐像素匹配定位的要求,并且任何定位误差都会导致明显的信号劣化。本文分析了通过使用单个LCD实现所需的光的同时幅度和相位调制的可能性。使用琼斯矩阵方法对具有不同最大双折射的扭曲向列液晶显示器进行了数值研究。提出了椭圆形的入射和出射极化,通过该极化可以实现三相相位幅度调制(+ 1,-1,0)。还提供了测试测量结果,以证明计算结果的有效性。 [参考:9]



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