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Short-term course of intraocular pressure after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the natural history of intraocular pressure (IOP) within the first 30 minutes after intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide (TA). DESIGN: Prospective, interventional, consecutive case series. PARTICIPANTS: Thirty-eight consecutive patients who met inclusion and exclusion criteria and underwent intravitreal injection of 0.1 ml (4 mg) of TA were studied. METHODS: Intraocular pressure was measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry at baseline; immediately after injection; and at 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes after injection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Intraocular pressure measurements at baseline; immediately after intravitreal injection; and 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 minutes after injection, and percentage of patients with IOP < or = 24 mmHg at 30 minutes. RESULTS: Patients who did not experience vitreous reflux (30/38 [78.9%]) at the site of injection had a significant initial elevation of IOP that rapidly normalized. Patients who experienced vitreous reflux (8/38 [21.1%]) at the site of injection had either no change in IOP or a small drop in IOP that rapidly normalized. The IOP measured in millimeters of mercury immediately after injection (45.9 [no reflux], 12.6 [reflux]), 2 minutes after injection (39.9 [no reflux], 13.5 [reflux]), 5 minutes after injection (33.3 [no reflux], 13.8 [reflux]), 10 minutes after injection (26.4 [no reflux], 15.1 [reflux]), and 20 minutes after injection (21.8 [no reflux], 15.0 [reflux]) showed a statistically significant difference between the 2 groups. The difference in IOP between the 2 groups was not significant at baseline or 30 minutes after injection. At 30 minutes, 90% (95% confidence interval, 85.8%-95.2%) of patients without vitreous reflux had an IOP < 24 mmHg. CONCLUSIONS: Patients undergoing intravitreal injection of TA with no vitreous reflux have a risk of short-term elevation of IOP that rapidly normalizes over 30 minutes. In patients with vitreous reflux after the injection, the IOP declines immediately after injection and rapidly normalizes over 10 minutes.
机译:目的:描述玻璃体内注射曲安奈德(TA)后头30分钟内眼内压(IOP)的自然史。设计:前瞻性,介入性,连续性病例系列。参与者:研究了38例符合入选和排除标准并接受0.1 ml(4 mg)TA的玻璃体内注射的患者。方法:在基线时通过戈德曼压平眼压法测量眼内压。注射后立即以及注射后2、5、10、20和30分钟。主要观察指标:基线时眼压的测量。玻璃体内注射后立即使用;以及注射后2、5、10、20和30分钟,以及30分钟时IOP <或= 24 mmHg的患者百分比。结果:在注射部位未经历玻璃体反流的患者(30/38 [78.9%])的眼压初始升高明显且迅速恢复正常。在注射部位经历玻璃体返流(8/38 [21.1%])的患者,眼压没有变化,或者眼压迅速下降而正常下降。注射后立即(45.9 [无回流],12.6 [回流]),注射后2分钟(39.9 [无回流],13.5 [回流]),注射后5分钟(33.3 [无回流])的IOP单位为毫米汞柱。 ,13.8 [反流]),注射后10分钟(26.4 [无反流],15.1 [反流])和注射后20分钟(21.8 [无反流],15.0 [反流])显示出两组之间的统计学差异。两组之间的眼压差异在基线时或注射后30分钟时不明显。在30分钟时,无玻璃体返流的患者中有90%(95%置信区间,85.8%-95.2%)的IOP <24 mmHg。结论:玻璃体腔内注射TA且无玻璃体反流的患者存在眼压短期升高的风险,眼压在30分钟内迅速恢复正常。注射后出现玻璃体反流的患者,注射后眼压立即下降,并在10分钟内迅速恢复正常。



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