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Cellular and molecular interactions of thymus with endocrine organs and nervous system.


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T-cell ontogenesis has been disclosed to depend on the interactions of thymus with endocrine glands and nervous system as follows: i/ Thymic deprivation not only impaired the immunological development but also brought about the dysgenesis of pituitary anterior lobe. Conversely, hypophysectomy resulted in thymus atrophy with the disturbed immune responses. ii/ Binding of pituitary acidophilic cell hormones to their receptors on thymus epithelial cells (TECs) augmented the release of thymic hormonal peptides (THPs) in vitro. iii/ Elevation of blood glucocorticoid level after stress caused atrophy of thymus cortex through double positive thymocyte apoptosis. Morpho-molecular alterations of cytoplasm preceded nuclear damage in the apoptotic thymocytes. iv/ Administration of thymosin to the streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice repressed mononuclear cell infiltration to the pancreatic islets. v/ Autonomic nerve fibers innervate thymic parenchyma. Binding of acetylcholines (Achs) to Ach receptors on TECs enhanced protein synthetic activity which seemed to connect with THP production. vi/ Thymectomy not only depressed the immune responses but also accelerated the reduction of leaming and memory ability with aging. The operation appears to disturb the brain adrenoceptor functions and to suppress the regulatory roles of hypothalamus to other nervous tissues. vii/ Several kinds of THPs, separated from the culture supernatant of TEC line by high performance liquid chromatography, showed a favorable effect on the thymocytes at different stage of differentiation and maturation. viii/ Thymosin, thymulin and THPs were capable of proliferating and differentiating thymocytes in vitro. However, the administration of each thymic product to the thymus-deprived animals could not restore from their "wasting disease". Since TECs are composed of a heterogeneous population, it would be one of essential ways for isolating "true thymus hormone" (TTH) to use the material which consists of functionally homogeneous subset of TECs. ix/ An additional grafting of pituitary gland to the thymus-grafted nude mice improved the disturbed T-cell ontogeny. Accordingly, the administration of "TTH" and pituitary acidophilic cell hormones might be more hopeful procedure for rescuing the thymus-deprived animals from wasting disease
机译:据报道,T细胞的成因依赖于胸腺与内分泌腺体和神经系统的相互作用,如下所述:胸腺剥夺不仅损害免疫学发育,而且还导致垂体前叶发育不良。相反,垂体后叶切除术导致胸腺萎缩,免疫反应受到干扰。 ii /垂体嗜酸细胞激素与其在胸腺上皮细胞(TECs)上的受体的结合增加了胸腺激素肽(THPs)在体外的释放。 iii /应激引起的胸腺皮质双重萎缩导致应激后血液糖皮质激素水平升高。细胞质的形态分子改变先于凋亡胸腺细胞的核损伤。 iv /对链脲佐菌素诱导的糖尿病小鼠施用胸腺素抑制了单核细胞向胰岛的浸润。 v /自主神经纤维支配胸腺实质。乙酰胆碱(Achs)与TECs上的Ach受体结合会增强蛋白质合成活性,这似乎与THP的产生有关。 vi /胸腺切除术不仅降低了免疫反应,还加速了衰老过程中淋巴和记忆能力的降低。该手术似乎干扰了脑肾上腺素受体的功能,并抑制了下丘脑对其他神经组织的调节作用。 vii /通过高效液相色谱法从TEC系培养上清液中分离出的几种THP对胸腺细胞处于分化和成熟的不同阶段具有良好的作用。 vi /胸腺素,胸腺素和THPs能够在体外增殖和分化胸腺细胞。但是,将每一种胸腺产品给予被剥夺胸腺的动物不能从其“浪费性疾病”中恢复过来。由于TEC由异质种群组成,因此使用包含功能上同质的TEC子的材料来分离“真胸腺激素”(TTH)是必不可少的方法之一。 ix /垂体腺额外移植到胸腺移植的裸鼠身上,可改善受累的T细胞个体发育。因此,施用“ TTH”和垂体嗜酸细胞激素可能是挽救被胸腺剥夺的动物免于浪费疾病的更有希望的程序



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