首页> 外文期刊>Ophthalmic Research: Journal for Research in Experimental and Clinical Ophthalmology >Pattern-reversal visual-evoked response in bull's eye maculopathy associated with Stargardt's disease.

Pattern-reversal visual-evoked response in bull's eye maculopathy associated with Stargardt's disease.


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Using steady-state pattern-reversal visual-evoked response (PVER), we studied the macular function in patients with bull's eye maculopathy. The results were correlated with fluorescein angiography. Study patients with an established (25 eyes of 14 patients) and a suspected (8 eyes of 4 patients) diagnosis of Stargardt's disease with bull's eye maculopathy were divided into group G (good vision group: 15 eyes with visual acuity of 20/40 or better) and group P (poor vision group: 18 eyes with visual acuity of 20/50 or worse). The diameters of the atrophic area and the normal or less affected central area of the bull's eye were measured form the fluorescein angiograms. The mean diameter of the central area in group G (2.0 degrees) was significantly larger than that in group P (0.6 degrees; d.f. = 17, p = 0.0227). The PVER amplitudes were reduced in the patient groups with all check sizes and the amplitude-check size functions were flat. Amplitude differences were observed between the patient groups with the 20' checks (d.f. = 17, p = 0.0638), probably due to the difference in the mean central diameters (2.0 degrees vs. 0.6 degrees). Patients with a perifoveal abnormality can have an abnormal PVER despite relatively good visual acuity. We also recorded the PVER in 7 normal controls tested with simulated ring-shaped scotomas, the sizes of which matched the mean diameters of the scotomas in the patient groups (7.0 degrees x 0.6 degrees and 7.0 degrees x 2.0 degrees). The controls also showed markedly reduced responses with all check sizes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
机译:使用稳态模式反转视觉诱发反应(PVER),我们研究了牛眼黄斑病变患者的黄斑功能。结果与荧光素血管造影相关。将确诊为斯塔加德氏病并患有牛眼黄斑病的研究患者(14例患者的25眼)和怀疑(4例患者的8眼)分为G组(视力良好的组:15眼视力为20/40或更好)和P组(视力不佳组:18眼视力为20/50或更差)。通过荧光素血管造影术测量牛眼的萎缩区域和正常或受影响较小的中央区域的直径。 G组(2.0度)中心区域的平均直径显着大于P组(0.6度; d.f。= 17,p = 0.0227)。在所有检查尺寸的患者组中,PVER振幅均降低,并且振幅检查尺寸功能是平坦的。在进行20'检查的患者组之间观察到幅度差异(d.f. = 17,p = 0.0638),这可能是由于平均中心直径的差异(2.0度与0.6度)所致。尽管有相对良好的视力,但有中心凹异常的患者仍有PVER异常。我们还记录了7个正常对照中的PVER,这些对照通过模拟的环形盲区进行测试,其大小与患者组中盲区的平均直径相匹配(7.0度x 0.6度和7.0度x 2.0度)。控件在所有支票大小下的反应也显着降低。(摘要截断为250字)



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