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Fuchs' heterochromic iridocyclitis: a review of 26 cases.


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Fuchs' heterochromic iridocyclitis (FHI), an unusual form of uveitis of unknown etiology, is frequently misdiagnosed. PURPOSE: To report the analysis of 26 patients (27 eyes) with FHI who were diagnosed and observed over a period of 1-7 years (mean: 3.42 +/- 2.2 years). METHODS: Ocular and systemic examinations were performed on all patients. RESULTS: The most common presenting symptom was visual deterioration (42.3%); one patient was affected bilaterally. Characteristic keratic precipitates (100%), cataracts (77.8%), and heterochromia (70.4%) were the major signs. Eleven eyes (40.7%) required cataract surgery. At the initial examination, four eyes (14.8%) had glaucoma, and no new cases of glaucoma developed during the follow-up period. One eye required filtration surgery. Vitrectomy was performed in two eyes (7.4%) because of vitreous opacities. Most patients (73.0%) did not require active treatment; pre- and postoperative anti-inflammatory treatment for cataract extraction was performed successfully to minimize the risk of inflammation. No severe uveitis was seen in any patient after surgery, but visual acuity did not improve greatly after cataract extraction; 54.5% eyes had visual acuity better than 20/40 before surgery, and 45.4% postoperatively. CONCLUSION: Posterior capsule opacification, glaucoma, and vitreous opacity were the major obstacles to visual rehabilitation after cataract surgery in patients with this type of uveitis.
机译:Fuchs的异色性虹膜睫状体炎(FHI)是一种病因不明的葡萄膜炎的不寻常形式,经常被误诊。目的:报告26例FHI患者(27眼)的诊断和观察,分析时间为1-7年(平均:3.42 +/- 2.2年)。方法:对所有患者进行眼和全身检查。结果:最常见的症状是视力下降(42.3%);一名患者双侧受到影响。主要特征是角质沉淀物(100%),白内障(77.8%)和异色症(70.4%)。白内障手术需要11眼(40.7%)。初次检查时,有四只眼(14.8%)患有青光眼,在随访期间未出现新的青光眼病例。一只眼睛需要滤过手术。由于玻璃体混浊,在两只眼睛(7.4%)中进行了玻璃体切除术。大多数患者(73.0%)不需要积极治疗;成功地进行了白内障摘除术前和术后的消炎治疗,以最大程度地降低了发炎的风险。术后所有患者均未见严重葡萄膜炎,但白内障摘除术后视力没有明显改善;手术前有54.5%的眼睛的视力好于20/40,术后有45.4%的眼睛。结论:后囊混浊,青光眼和玻璃体混浊是这类葡萄膜炎患者白内障手术后视力恢复的主要障碍。



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