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Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the nasopharynx: A case report and review of the literature


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An 80-year-old female with complaints of right-sided nose blockage and occasional epistaxis for several months was referred to Sanggye Paik Hospital (Seoul, Korea). Nasal examination revealed a hemorrhagic mass protruding towards the right posterior nasal cavity, for which the patient was subjected to excisional biopsy. The pathological diagnosis was epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma, as immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the inner cells stained positive for cytokeratin 7, an epithelial cell marker, whereas the outer cells stained positive for smooth muscle actin and P63, consistent with a myoepithelial phenotype. The patient received concurrent chemoradiation therapy followed by systemic chemotherapy. Following the achievement of a partial response, the patient's treatment course was uneventful. Follow-up at 24 months revealed a stable status at partial response, with no subsequent progression.
机译:一名80岁的女性因右侧鼻子阻塞和偶发性鼻塞而抱怨了几个月,被转诊到Sanggye Paik医院(韩国首尔)。鼻腔检查发现出血性肿块向右后鼻腔突出,对此患者进行了切除活检。病理诊断为上皮-肌上皮癌,因为免疫组织化学分析显示,内部细胞染色为上皮细胞标志物细胞角蛋白7阳性,而外部细胞的平滑肌肌动蛋白和P63染色为阳性,与肌上皮表型一致。患者同时接受化学放疗,然后进行全身化学疗法。达到部分反应后,患者的治疗过程就很顺利了。 24个月的随访显示部分反应稳定,没有随后的进展。



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