首页> 外文期刊>Cellular and molecular biology >Frequency of cocaine administration affects behavioral and endocrine responses in male and female Fischer rats.

Frequency of cocaine administration affects behavioral and endocrine responses in male and female Fischer rats.


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Accumulating evidence has shown disparate behavioral responses to cocaine in male and female rats. To date, there is a lack of understanding of how cocaine administration frequency affects sexually dimorphic behavioral responses. In the present study we investigated the behavioral and endocrine responses to single (1 x 15 mg/kg) and "binge" (3 x 15 mg/kg) cocaine administration in male and female Fischer rats. Overall, females showed a more prolonged and robust behavioral response to both acute and binge behavioral topographies emerged during binge-pattern cocaine administration; female rearing activity increased across "binge" injections while ambulatory activity decreased. In contrast, male ambulatory and rearing behaviors remained constant across injections of binge cocaine administration decreased testosterone levels in male rats. However, cocaine's modulation of testosterone levels was transient since testosterone levels were decreased by cocaine 30 min but not 3 hr following a single injection. In both male and female rats, "binge" cocaine increased plasma progesterone levels. However, acute cocaine administration increased progesterone levels transiently in only female rats. Our results show that pattern of administration affects both cocaine-stimulated behavioral and endocrine responses in male and female rats.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,雄性和雌性大鼠对可卡因的行为反应截然不同。迄今为止,对可卡因的给药频率如何影响性二态性行为反应尚缺乏了解。在本研究中,我们调查了雄性和雌性Fischer大鼠对单次(1 x 15 mg / kg)和“暴饮暴食”(3 x 15 mg / kg)可卡因给药的行为和内分泌反应。总体而言,女性对暴饮暴食可卡因给药期间出现的急性和暴饮暴行为的行为表现出更长时间和更强的行为反应;每次“暴饮暴食”注射时,女性的饲养活动增加,而卧床活动减少。相比之下,雄性可卡因注射后雄性的不卧床和饲养行为保持不变,雄性大鼠的睾丸激素水平降低。但是,可卡因对睾丸激素水平的调节是短暂的,因为单次注射后30分钟可卡因可使睾丸激素水平降低,但3小时后却没有。在雄性和雌性大鼠中,“可卡因”可卡因均会增加血浆孕酮水平。但是,急性可卡因给药仅在雌性大鼠中短暂增加了孕酮水平。我们的结果表明,给药方式会影响可卡因刺激的雌雄大鼠的行为和内分泌反应。



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