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Gas Storage: Migration of Storage Gas; Conversion; Unjust Enrichment Statute of Limitations: Statutory Remedies


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The present matter arises from defendant's motion for summary judgment. For the following reasons, the court grants defendant's motion. Plaintiff Northern Natural Gas Company (hereinafter "Northern"), a large public utility company, operates the Cunningham Natural Gas Storage Facility located in south central Kansas. Defendant, Nash Oil & Gas, Inc. (hereinafter "Nash") operates certain wells four to five miles north of the Cunningham facility. Plaintiff sued defendant alleging that gas from the Cunningham facility migrated into the strata beneath the Nash leases and is now produced by Nash. Northern sued for conversion and for remedies under K.S.A. § 55-1210, including the right to conduct tests on Nash's wells to determine if the gas produced by defendant is storage gas. The court previously granted defendant's motion to dismiss plaintiffs claims for testing holding that defendant's wells were not on property which is "adjacent" to the storage field as required by K.S.A. § 55-1210. The remaining question to be considered by the court is whether Northern can assert ownership rights to gas that has allegedly migrated from plaintiffs field under either K.S.A. § 55-1210 or under the common law doctrines of conversion and unjust enrichment.
机译:本案源于被告提出即席判决的动议。出于以下原因,法院批准了被告的动议。原告北方天然气公司(以下简称“北方”)是一家大型公用事业公司,在堪萨斯州中南部经营坎宁安天然气储存设施。被告纳什石油天然气公司(以下简称“纳什”)在坎宁安设施以北4至5英里处运营某些油井。原告起诉被告,指控其坎宁安工厂的天然气迁移至纳什租约下方的地层,现在由纳什生产。北方公司根据K.S.A.提起诉讼以寻求转换和补救。第55-1210条,包括在纳什(Nash)的井上进行测试以确定被告生产的气体是否为储存气体的权利。法院先前批准了被告的动议,以驳回原告关于测试的诉求,认为被告的水井不属于K.S.A.要求与存储场“相邻”的财产。 §55-1210。法院还有待考虑的问题是,北方航空是否可以主张对据称是根据任何K.S.A.的原告气田迁移的天然气的所有权。 §55-1210或根据普通法关于conversion依和不当得利的理论。



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