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Waste: Negligence Per Se Injection Wells


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Discovery while engaging in the drilling of a well encounters a highly pressurized flow of brine water at a depth of around 3895 feet. The water flowed into the well at a rate of some 1500-1600 barrels/hour until it is brought under control. Discovery cannot complete the well. Discovery believes that the inflow of brine has been caused by injections from BP's wells on nearby lands. Among the causes of actions asserted by Discovery include negligence in the operation of BP's injection program and negligence per se for BP's alleged violation of Railroad Commission Statewide Rules 9 and 46. BP initially files a plea in abatement arguing that the Railroad Commission either has exclusive or primary jurisdiction over whether it violated any RRC rules, regulations or permit conditions. The Court of Appeals in In re Discovery Operating, Inc., 216 S.W.3d 898,168 0.&G.R. 431 (Tex.App.—-Eastland 2007) determines that the RRC has neither exclusive or primary jurisdiction over the common law tort claims filed by Discovery and thus remands the case back to the trial court. At the trial court BP files a no-evidence summary judgment motion arguing in part that Discovery's negligence per se claims could not be supported by the statutes, rules and permits listed by Discovery. The trial court eventually grants BP's motion on Discovery's negligence per se claim. The trial court also holds a Daubert hearing on each sides' list of expert witnesses. It concludes that each of the proffered witnesses may testify. After a multi-week trial, the trial court grants a directed verdict for BP on Discovery's negligence claim against one of the two BP injection wells but allows the issue of negligence liability on the other injection well to go to the jury.
机译:从事钻井时的发现过程遇到了深度约为3895英尺的高压盐水流。水以约1500-1600桶/小时的速度流入井中,直到得到控制。发现无法完井。 Discovery认为,盐水的流入是由于BP在附近土地上的油井注入而引起的。 Discovery提出的诉讼原因包括对BP注入程序的操作疏忽以及因BP涉嫌违反Railroad Commission Statewide Rule 9和46本身的疏忽。BP最初提出了减少认罪的主张,认为Railroad Commission具有排他性或专有性。是否违反任何RRC规则,规定或许可条件的主要管辖权。 In Re Discovery Operating,Inc.上诉法院,216 S.W. 3d 898,168 0.&G.R.。 431(Tex.App .-- Eastland 2007)裁定RRC对Discovery提出的普通法侵权索赔既没有专属管辖权也没有主要管辖权,因此将案件退还给初审法院。 BP在初审法院提出了无证据的简易判决动议,部分理由是Discovery列出的法规,规则和许可证无法支持Discovery的过失本身。终审法院最终批准了BP关于Discovery本身过失索赔的动议。审判法庭还在双方的专家证人名单上举行了道伯特听证会。结论是,每个提供证人的证人都可以作证。经过为期多周的审判后,初审法院针对BP针对Discovery的两个BP注入井之一的过失索赔作出了BP的直接判决,但允许另一注入井的过失责任问题由陪审团处理。



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