首页> 外文期刊>Oil and Gas Reporter >Saltwater Disposal Agreement: Ownership of Underground Strata; Surface Owner or Mineral Owner

Saltwater Disposal Agreement: Ownership of Underground Strata; Surface Owner or Mineral Owner


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In 1988 the fee owner of a tract of land enters into an oil and gas lease. The lease is perpetuated by production, and is owned by Bowman at the time of the dispute. In 2005 the fee owner, Dick Properties, conveys the land to Schonthaler, but reserves in Dick Properties the "mineral reservations, oil and gas leases . . .." At the time of the 2005 conveyance, Bowman also has a saltwater disposal agreement with Dick Properties. Following the conveyance, Bowman takes the position that the rights under the saltwater disposal agreement run with the surface estate and not the mineral estate. Ultimately, Bowman and Schonthaler enter into a new saltwater disposal agreement without including Dick Properties. Dick Properties sues contending that as the mineral owner in the land it must be included in the saltwater disposal agreement. The trial court notes that the parties agree that activities under the saltwater disposal agreement would not interfere with Dick Properties' mineral rights, or the rights of Bowman as the oil and gas lessee. The trial court holds that Schonthaler, as the surface owner, can enter into the saltwater disposal agreement without the consent of Dick Properties, the mineral owner. Held: affirmed. The appellate court notes that Dick Properties, as a severed mineral owner, has the implied right to use the surface to develop its minerals, including the right to drill and operate a saltwater disposal well. It does not, however, have the exclusive right to grant disposal rights in the land. Nor does it have the right to grant the right to dispose of saltwater produced from wells not located on the land. These are rights retained by the surface owner.
机译:1988年,一块土地的费用拥有者签订了油气租赁。租约由生产永久保留,在发生争议时归Bowman所有。在2005年,费用拥有者Dick Properties将土地转交给Schonthaler,但在Dick Properties中保留了“矿产保留,石油和天然气租赁……”。在2005年转让时,Bowman还与迪克属性。转让后,鲍曼(Bowman)采取的立场是,盐水处置协议项下的权利与地表产业而不是矿产一起行使。最终,鲍曼(Bowman)和申塔勒(Schonthaler)签订了新的咸水处理协议,而没有包括迪克地产(Dick Properties)。迪克地产公司(Dick Properties)辩称,作为土地上的矿产所有者,必须将其包括在咸水处置协议中。初审法院注意到,当事双方同意,根据咸水处理协议进行的活动不会干扰Dick Properties的矿产权利或鲍曼作为油气承租人的权利。初审法院裁定,作为地表拥有人的Schonthaler未经矿物所有人Dick Properties的同意可以签订盐水处理协议。举行:肯定。上诉法院指出,迪克地产公司(Dick Properties),作为被砍伐的矿物所有人,隐含使用地表发展其矿物的权利,包括钻探和操作盐水处置井的权利。但是,它没有授予土地处置权的专有权。它也无权授予处置不在陆地上的水井产生的盐水的权利。这些是表面所有者保留的权利。



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