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Mineral Reservations and Exceptions: Mineral Rights; Strohacker Doctrine


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Plaintiffs sued to quiet title to the oil and gas rights in land that their predecessors-in-interest had acquired by a warranty deed in 1934 from the defendant, Union Pacific Railroad Co. (Union Pacific). The deed reserved to Union Pacific "all of the minerals, upon in or under the said land." The existing oil and gas lessees of Union Pacific were also defendants. Plaintiffs contended that the oil and gas rights were not reserved by Union Pacific in the mineral reservation in the 1934 deed under the Strohacker doctrine but passed to the grantees and ultimately to the plaintiffs through their chain of title. The trial court granted summary judgment to the defendants. Held: affirmed. On appeal, plaintiffs argued that summary judgment to determine the scope of a reservation of minerals under Arkansas' Strohacker doctrine is error in the absence of a factual inquiry into whether oil and gas was a mineral in commercial and legal usage in the area at the time the deed was executed. The Supreme Court of Arkansas affirmed the trial court's grant of summary judgment in the favor of the defendants. In Sheppardv. lappa, 133 S.W.2d 860,866 (1939) this court held that a reservation of "mineral rights" in a 1937 deed reserved the oil and gas without application of the contemporaneous legal and commercial usage test of Strohacker. The Arkansas case law on the Strohacker doctrine indicates that sometime between 1905 and 1937, it became common knowledge in Arkansas that a generic reservation of mineral rights included oil and gas. Although not binding precedent on this court, the federal courts applying Arkansas law have drawn a similar conclusion. The Eight Circuit held that a 1936 reservation of minerals includes oil and gas as a matter of law in Arkansas. Griffis v. Anadarko E.P., LP., 606 F.3d 973,178 0.&G.R. 226 (8th Cir. 2010). Therefore, the court holds that the 1934 reservation in issue included oil and gas as a matter of law.
机译:原告对土地的油气权提出了安静的诉求,因为他们的前任利益是1934年通过担保契据从被告Union Pacific Railroad Co.(联合太平洋)处获得的。该契约保留给联合太平洋“在上述土地上或土地下的所有矿产”。联合太平洋公司现有的石油和天然气承租人也是被告。原告争辩说,联合太平洋公司并没有根据Strohacker原则在1934年的矿产保留中保留石油和天然气权利,而是将其所有权转给了受赠人,并最终移交给了原告。初审法院判给被告简易判决。举行:肯定。在上诉中,原告辩称,在没有就石油和天然气在当时是否为该地区商业和法律用途是否为矿物的事实调查中,确定阿肯色州的斯特罗克克学说所依据的矿物保留范围的简易判决是错误的契据已执行。阿肯色州最高法院确认了初审法院对被告有利的即决判决。在谢泼德夫。 lappa,133 S.W.2d 860,866(1939)法院裁定,1937年契据中对“矿物权”的保留保留了石油和天然气,而未应用Strohacker的同期法律和商业使用测试。阿肯色州关于Strohacker主义的判例法表明,在1905年至1937年之间的某个时候,阿肯色州已普遍知道,矿产权的一般性保留包括石油和天然气。尽管对本法院没有约束力的先例,但适用阿肯色州法律的联邦法院也得出了类似的结论。第八巡回法庭认为,根据法律,1936年在阿肯色州保留的矿产包括石油和天然气。 Griffis诉Anadarko E.P.,LP。,606 F.3d 973,178 0。 226(2010年8月8日)。因此,法院认为,根据法律,1934年的保留已包括石油和天然气。



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