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Pipelines: Filed Rate Doctrine; Antitrust Claims Court Jurisdiction, Procedure and Review: Federal Preemption


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Plaintiffs are shippers, wholesalers, and marketers of natural gas who transport and store gas on the interstate pipelines owned by Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation (TCO), Columbia Gulf Transmission Company and Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP (pipeline defendants). The other defendants are eight (8) natural gas shippers (select shipper defendants) who were allegedly given preferential access to storage capacity and transportation on the interstate pipeline system in exchange for "kickback" payments. Specifically, plaintiffs allege mat the pipeline defendants allowed the select shippers to store gas on the pipeline system during the warmer months for resale during the colder months. Further, plaintiffs allege that the select shippers were able to "borrow" gas off the pipeline system during the colder months for resale at a high price and replace the borrowed gas during the warmer months at a low price. Plaintiffs also allege the select shippers were given preferential transportation services. While these activities were occurring, TCO obtains a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to operate a parking and lending service (PAL) that permits shippers to park gas on the pipeline system or borrow gas from the system on an interruptible basis, i.e, the PAL services would be interrupted by higher priority shipping contracts. After the implementation of the PAL service, plaintiffs allege that the pipeline defendants continued their preferential treatment of the select shippers. Furthermore, the pipeline defendants interrupted the higher priority shipping and transportation agreements of the plaintiffs in favor of the interruptible agreements of the select shippers who accessed the PAL service. In 1999, the pipeline defendants voluntarily inform FERC tiiat "gas imbalances" occurred on the system prior to the issuance of the PAL license. FERC investigates and subsequendy approves a Stipulation and Consent Agreement with the pipeline defendants. The Stipulation and Consent Agreement requires the pipeline defendants to refund Storage in Transit penalties and disgorge profits to the shippers that have been illegally excluded by the scheme which include many of the plaintiffs. Alleging that the defendants' actions resulted in a decline in revenues from their end-use customers, as well as a decline in market share and asset value, plaintiffs sue the pipeline and select shipper defendants in state court in West Virginia for antitrust and breach of contract violations. The defendants successfully removed this action to this court. The defendants dien filed a motion to dismiss on the basis, inter alia, that the filed rate doctrine and federal preemption bars plaintiffs' claims. The motion to dismiss is denied. The filed rate doctrine does not bar plaintiffs' claims. The central core of the filed rate doctrine is that the agency, and not the court, is authorized by Congress to determine the reasonableness of any pipeline rates or services. The doctrine restricts the agency to charging only the approved rates and preserves the agency's authority to determine those rates. To allow a court to award as damages a rate never filed with the agency would undermine the congressional rate regulation. The doctrine also applies to services, classifications, charges and practices included in the rate filing. Plaintiffs in this suit do not directly challenge the agency's rates contained in the defendants' tariffs. Plaintiffs claim is that they suffered diminished revenues from sales to their customers, obstruction to business expansion, loss of market share and asset value due to their exclusion from the market based on the defendants' actions. In effect, plaintiffs merely seek compensatory damages for wrongful injury by the pipeline and select shipper defendants' conduct. Nor do their compensatory damage claims implicate the filed rate doctrine by having the effect of challenging the filed rate. Plaintiffs seek no damages for rates.
机译:原告是天然气的托运人,批发商和销售商,他们在由哥伦比亚天然气输送公司(TCO),哥伦比亚海湾输送公司和Dominion Cove Point LNG,LP(管道被告)拥有的州际管道上运输和存储天然气。其他被告是八(8)个天然气托运人(精选的托运人被告),据称他们被优先享受州际管道系统的存储能力和运输,以换取“回扣”付款。具体来说,原告指控管道被告允许选定的托运人在较温暖的月份将天然气储存在管道系统上,以便在较寒冷的月份转售。此外,原告声称,选定的托运人能够在较冷的月份从管道系统中“借用”天然气,以高价转售,并在较暖的月份中以较低的价格替代借来的天然气。原告还指控选择的托运人获得了优惠的运输服务。在进行这些活动时,TCO会获得联邦能源管理委员会(FERC)的许可,以经营停车和借贷服务(PAL),允许托运人在可中断的基础上将天然气停放在管道系统上或从系统借用天然气,也就是说,PAL服务将被更高优先级的运输合同中断。在实施PAL服务之后,原告声称,管道被告继续对精选的托运人给予优惠待遇。此外,管道被告中断了原告的优先运输和运输协议,转而支持使用PAL服务的部分托运人的可中断协议。 1999年,管道被告自愿在发给PAL许可证之前,通知FERC该系统发生“气体不平衡”。 FERC进行调查,并在其后批准与管道被告签订的《知情同意协议》。 《规定和同意协议》要求管道被告退还“在途仓储”罚款,并向包括许多原告在内的被该计划非法排除的托运人分配利润。指控被告的行为导致其最终用户的收入下降,以及市场份额和资产价值下降,原告起诉管道,并在西弗吉尼亚州的州法院起诉托运人被告,要求其进行反托拉斯和违反违反合同。被告已成功将此诉讼移交给法院。被告人狄恩提出动议,以除其他外以提起诉讼的费率学说和联邦先发制人禁止原告的主张为由驳回上诉。驳回动议被拒绝。提起诉讼费率原则不妨碍原告的主张。提起费率理论的核心是国会授权该机构(而不是法院)确定任何管道费率或服务的合理性。该原则将代理商限制为仅收取已批准的费率,并保留代理商确定这些费率的权限。允许法院裁定从未向该机构提交的费率作为损害赔偿,将会破坏国会的费率规定。该学说还适用于费率表中包括的服务,分类,收费和惯例。该诉讼的原告没有直接质疑被告关税中所包含的代理费率。原告声称,由于根据被告的行为将他们排除在市场之外,他们从向客户销售的收入,减少的业务扩展,市场份额的损失和资产价值方面遭受损失。实际上,原告仅是对管道的不法损害寻求赔偿,并选择托运人的被告行为。他们的补偿性损害赔偿索赔也没有通过对提起诉讼的费用提出质疑的方式来暗示提起诉讼的费用原则。原告不要求赔偿差rates。



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