首页> 外文期刊>Oikos: A Journal of Ecology >Nearest-neighbor tree species combinations in tropical forest: the role of chance, and some consequences of high diversity

Nearest-neighbor tree species combinations in tropical forest: the role of chance, and some consequences of high diversity


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In three permanent inventory plots comprising 12.4 ha of undisturbed forest at La Selva, Costa Rica, all stems >= 10 cm dbh were mapped and identified to species. There were 1628, 1478 and 1954 trees in the plots, representing 168, 166 and 171 species respectively. We determined the species of each nearest-neighbor pair of trees, and asked whether the occurrence of species pairs conforms to a simple random mixing model. If trees are randomly mixed in terms of species, the expected frequency of any nearest neighbor species combination is a function of the relative abundance of the two species. Departures from random mixing could arise from species interactions, differential responses to habitat, or both. The number of possible ij species combinations increases approximately as the square of the number of species. For the 168 species in plot 1, for example, there are 14 196 possible combinations. We compared the expected frequency of each species combination in the three plots (42 736 combinations in all) with observed frequencies. Over 98% of the combinations had observed frequencies of zero and expected frequencies close to zero. A consequence of high diversity is low density of most individual species, and exceedingly low frequencies of the vast majority of species combinations. For each of the 805 combinations with observed frequencies > 0, we used simulation to generate a distribution of expected frequencies. We used a t-test to compare the observed frequency with the mean of the simulated distribution for each combination. Only 40 combinations (0.09% of the possible species combinations in the plots) departed from expected frequencies; 39 combinations were more common, and one less common than expected. The overwhelming majority of nearest neighbor species combinations occur at frequencies predictable from their individual abundances.
机译:在哥斯达黎加La Selva的三个永久性盘查土地中,其中包括12.4公顷未受干扰的森林,所有> = 10 cm dbh的茎都被标绘并确定了物种。该地块共有1628棵,1478棵和1954棵树,分别代表168、166和171种。我们确定了每个最近邻树对的树种,并询问树种对的出现是否符合简单的随机混合模型。如果树木按物种随机混合,则任何最近邻物种组合的预期频率是这两种物种相对丰度的函数。物种之间的相互作用,对生境的不同响应或两者兼而有之,可能会导致随机混合的偏离。可能的ij个物种组合的数量大约随物种数量的平方增加。例如,对于图1中的168种,有14 196种可能的组合。我们将三幅图中每种物种组合的预期频率(总共42 736种组合)与观察到的频率进行了比较。超过98%的组合观测到的频率为零,预期频率接近零。高多样性的结果是大多数个体物种的密度低,而绝大多数物种组合的频率极低。对于观察频率> 0的805个组合中的每一个,我们使用仿真来生成期望频率的分布。我们使用t检验将观察到的频率与每种组合的模拟分布平均值进行比较。只有40种组合(占该地块可能物种组合的0.09%)偏离了预期频率; 39种组合更为常见,而一种组合比预期的少。绝大多数最近邻物种组合的发生频率可从其个体丰度预测得出。



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