首页> 外文期刊>Oikos: A Journal of Ecology >Size does matter: variation in herbivory between and within plants and the plant vigor hypothesis

Size does matter: variation in herbivory between and within plants and the plant vigor hypothesis


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The plant stress and plant vigor hypotheses (PVH) are two of the most widely recognized hypothesis invoked to explain differential distribution of insect herbivores among their host plants. In both cases, the emphasis is on bottom-up processes (i.e. host-plant quality), but a recent meta-analytical review of the literature has shown that the plant stress hypothesis might have limited support among insect herbivores. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis of the effects of plant vigor on insect herbivore abundance and survivorship by reviewing 71 published articles that explicitly tested the PVH and enabled 161 independent comparisons. Z-transform was used as the metric to standardize the results of all independent comparisons. Our quantitative results have shown that Hymenoptera (sawflies) was the most abundant group in the reviewed studies, representing 28.1% of the independent comparisons, followed by Diptera (25.1%) and Homoptera (22.6%). Amongst all the guilds studied, gall-formers were the most representative group (68.0%), whereas leaf-miners and stem-borers were underrepresented (less than 4.0% of the available comparisons). Insect herbivores were significantly more abundant on more vigorous plants (E++=0.6432, CI=0.7558-0.7280), but no significant effect was detected on herbivore survivorship. When herbivores were categorized into feeding guilds, effects of plant vigor on herbivore abundance were stronger for sap-suckers, leaf-miners and gall-formers. Our results have shown a strong herbivore preference for more vigorous plants, although our results do not support a preference-performance linkage.
机译:植物胁迫和植物活力假说(PVH)是被用来解释昆虫草食动物在其寄主植物中差异分布的两种最广泛认可的假说。在这两种情况下,重点都是自下而上的过程(即寄主植物的品质),但是最近对文献进行的荟萃分析综述显示,植物胁迫假说可能对昆虫食草动物的支持有限。在这项研究中,我们通过审查71篇明确测试了PVH的发表文章并进行了161次独立比较,对植物活力对昆虫草食动物的丰度和存活的影响进行了荟萃分析。 Z变换用作度量标准,以标准化所有独立比较的结果。我们的定量结果表明,膜翅目(锯齿类)是本研究中含量最高的一组,占独立比较的28.1%,其次是双翅目(25.1%)和同翅目(22.6%)。在研究的所有行会中,胆小鬼是最有代表性的群体(68.0%),而矿工和钻stem的代表性不足(不到现有比较的4.0%)。在更有活力的植物上,昆虫食草动物明显丰富(E ++ = 0.6432,CI = 0.7558-0.7280),但未发现对食草动物生存有显着影响。当将草食动物归类为进食行会时,对于树汁吸食者,挖矿者和胆汁形成者而言,植物活力对草食动物丰富度的影响更强。我们的结果表明,草食动物对有活力的植物有强烈的偏好,尽管我们的结果不支持偏好与表现的联系。



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