首页> 外文期刊>Oikos: A Journal of Ecology >The partitioning of density-dependent dispersal, growth and survival throughout ontogeny in a highly fecund organism

The partitioning of density-dependent dispersal, growth and survival throughout ontogeny in a highly fecund organism


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The way in which density-dependent effects are partitioned amongst survival, growth and dispersal are key in determining the temporal and spatial dynamics of populations. Here we propose a mechanistic approach to understanding how the relative importance of these sources of density dependence can change over ontogeny through changes in dispersal abilities, energy stores and mortality risks. Whereas the potential for active dispersal typically increases over ontogeny as a function of body size, susceptibility to starvation and predation decreases. The joint effect of these mechanisms suggests a general model for the ontogenetic sequence of how density dependence is manifested, with density dependence early in ontogeny being primarily expressed as mortality on local spatial scales, whereas later stages respond to local density in terms of dispersal and potentially growth. Here we test this model by manipulating the densities of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at two life-history stages in the wild. Density-dependent mortality during the early juvenile stage (i.e. fry at onset of exogenous feeding) was accompanied by no effects on body size and weak effects on dispersal. In contrast, dispersal of older juveniles (i.e. parr 2-3 months after onset of feeding) was strongly density-dependent, with more individuals emigrating from high-density release sites, and with no effect of initial density on mortality. This dispersal, however, appeared insufficient to produce an ideal free distribution within the study stream, as indicated by the effect of spatial variation in density on body size by the end of the first growth season. These results demonstrate that the way density-dependent effects are partitioned amongst survival, growth and dispersal changes throughout ontogeny. Furthermore, these changes occur in correlation with changes in individual mortality risks and dispersal abilities, and suggest a general paradigm for the way in which juvenile density-dependence is manifest in spatially structured populations of highly fecund organisms.
机译:依赖密度的效应在生存,生长和扩散之间分配的方式是决定种群时空动态的关键。在这里,我们提出了一种机械方法来理解这些密度依赖性源的相对重要性如何通过分散能力,能量存储和死亡风险的变化而在个体发育中发生变化。尽管主动扩散的潜能通常随个体大小而增加,但对于饥饿和捕食的敏感性却降低了。这些机制的共同作用表明了个体发育序列如何表现出密度依赖性的通用模型,其中个体发育早期的密度依赖性主要表示为局部空间尺度上的死亡率,而后期则以分散和潜在的方式响应局部密度。增长。在这里,我们通过在野生的两个生命历史阶段中操纵大西洋大西洋鲑(Salmo salar L.)的密度来测试该模型。幼年期(即外来摄食开始时的鱼苗)密度依赖的死亡率不会对体型产生影响,而对扩散的影响则微弱。相比之下,年龄较大的幼虫(即进食开始后2-3个月的幼体)的散布强烈依赖于密度,有更多的个体从高密度释放部位移出,初始密度对死亡率没有影响。然而,这种扩散似乎不足以在研究流中产生理想的自由分布,如第一个生长季节结束时密度的空间变化对体型的影响所表明的那样。这些结果表明,密度依赖性效应在整个个体发育过程中在存活,生长和扩散变化之间分配的方式不同。此外,这些变化与个体死亡风险和分散能力的变化相关,并且是在高繁殖力生物的空间结构种群中显示幼体密度依赖性的方式的一般范例。



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