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Heart-warming Husky


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This is not an advertorial, nor is it attention-grabbing pablum meant to grab a position at Husky Energy. Formed from covering eastern Canada's oil and natural gas industry for the past dozen years or so, this is my honest view about that company.I like Husky. I like it for several reasons, one of them being that, like a good gambler, the firm keeps its cards practically stapled to its chest. And hydrocarbon exploration-development and production too, at times I suppose-is nothing if not a gamble. That may scream journalistic sacrilege for a lot of news directors, editors, and reporters. But if'we consider the circus of great expectations-turned-wilting-wonders that media, especially when starved for news, can conjure up after hearing the most innocent of musings from the most junior of employees at a company least connected with a Newfoundland and Labrador petroleum play, we can certainly understand the old cliche loose lips sink ships and, in this case, few exploration wells. That circus can come with white elephants too.



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